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Lebanon Weather Forecast: Thunderstorms Possible Today, Local Rain Expected Tomorrow – Details of Today’s Weather in Lebanon

A volatile spring weather dominates Lebanon until noon tomorrow, with a decrease in temperature and the possibility of thunderstorms today, Friday, especially on the northern and eastern mountains, while on Saturday, the possibility of local drizzle or light rain, especially in the south and center of the country. On the other hand, it is expected that the weather at the beginning of next week will be hot.

Today’s weather details Friday:

1- The temperature ranges between 18 and 27 on the coast, between 14 and 24 in spots, and between 15 and 24 at 1,000 meters.
2- Weather: Sunny to partly cloudy with high clouds
3- Wind: southwesterly, brisk at times, with a speed between 30 and 60 km/h
4- Humidity: The surface humidity on the coast ranges between 50 and 85%.
5- Surface atmospheric pressure: 1009 hpa
6-Visibility is good
7- Sea condition: average wave height and water surface temperature of 25 degrees

Weather for the next two days:

SaturdayChangeable, sunny to partly cloudy, with the possibility of local rain before noon, especially in the south and center of the country, and the temperature decreases significantly and ranges between 17 and 23 coasts and between 13 and 19 spots and between 11 and 19 at 1,000 meters, while the wind is southwesterly active, especially in the north, with a speed between 30 and 60 km / h.

SundayStable, sunny to partly cloudy, with mountain fog, and the temperature returns to altitude, and ranges between 17 and 24 coasts, between 11 and 21 spots, and between 13 and 20 at 1,000 meters, while the wind is westerly weak, with a speed between 20 and 40 km/h.

2023-05-12 04:33:10
#Central #changeable #weather #light #rain

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