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Lebanese Army Responds to Occupation Forces with Smoke Bombs: Tensions Rise on the Lebanese Border

The Lebanese Army responded to the occupation forces in kind and threw smoke bombs at its members

The Lebanese Army announced in a statement that an Israeli occupation patrol fired smoke bombs at an army patrol, while accompanying a bulldozer working to remove encroachments established by the occupation, north of the withdrawal line (the reserved blue line) in the Bastara area in southern Lebanon.

The army statement indicated that “members of the Lebanese army responded by firing smoke bombs at the occupation forces.”

Likewise, the Lebanese army closed a military road established by the occupation army in Bastra Farm, noting that it made its decision to close the road yesterday and informed UNIFIL forces of this.

Last Saturday, a reporter reported The fieldsThe Lebanese army responded with smoke bombs to Israeli soldiers in the Shebaa Farms who threw smoke and sound bombs in its direction, after members of the occupation violated the “line of withdrawal” and fired smoke bombs at an army patrol while accompanying a bulldozer working to remove rubble thrown by enemy bulldozers on the lands. Liberated at Bastra Farm, one of the Shebaa farms.

Israeli attacks and violations are repeated on the Lebanese border. Two months ago, the occupation forces threw tear gas at a media delegation that was on a tour accompanied by a member of the Development and Liberation Bloc, MP in the Lebanese Parliament, Qasim Hashem, on the outskirts of the Shebaa Farms.

The Lebanese border with the occupied territories is witnessing tensions, and Lebanese youth from the occupied Kfar Shuba hills area previously removed barbed wires placed by the Israeli occupation, and filled in a tunnel built by the occupation in the area.

Read also: Kfar Shuba ends the bulldozing work adjacent to the “withdrawal line”.. How is the occupation’s position read?
2023-09-27 12:02:09
#Lebanon #army #responds #Israeli #occupation.. #closes #road #established #enemy

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