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“Leaked Recording of German Officers Discussing War in Ukraine Confirmed Authentic by Germany’s Defense Ministry”

Leaked Recording of German Officers Discussing War in Ukraine Confirmed Authentic by Germany’s Defense Ministry

A leaked recording of a confidential discussion between high-ranking Bundeswehr officers regarding the war in Ukraine has been confirmed as authentic by Germany’s Defense Ministry. The recording was leaked by Russian state media, causing concern and prompting an investigation into the matter.

The recording, which was published by Margarita Simonyan, the head of Russian state broadcaster RT, features a conversation between German officers, including Lieutenant General Ingo Gerhartz, the chief of the Air Force. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz described the leak as a “very serious matter” and assured that it would be thoroughly investigated.

The audio recording includes a discussion about the potential use of Taurus cruise missiles to destroy a bridge connecting Russian-occupied Crimea to the Russian mainland over the Kerch Strait. The officers also discussed ways in which Germany could provide Ukrainians with targeting information without direct involvement in the conflict with Russia. The clip also references the British having “a few people on the ground” in relation to the deployment of their Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Ukraine.

It was reported that the virtual meeting where the conversation took place did not occur via a secure line but rather through the Webex platform. This raised concerns among German lawmakers, with Konstantin von Notz, chairman of the Bundestag’s parliamentary oversight committee, calling it a “highly problematic incident.” He emphasized the need to determine whether this was an isolated event or indicative of a broader security issue.

Roderich Kiesewetter, deputy chairman of the Bundestag’s parliamentary oversight committee, suggested that Russia leaked the conversation to pressure Germany against supplying Taurus missiles to Ukraine. He warned that more intercepted conversations could be leaked in the future for Russia’s benefit.

German Chancellor Scholz has thus far refused to send Taurus missiles to Ukraine, citing concerns about their range and the potential need for assistance from German Bundeswehr troops. The leaked recording has further complicated the situation, with Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova demanding a prompt explanation from Germany. Zakharova claimed that the audio was evidence of a “hybrid war” being waged by the West against Russia.

The authenticity of the leaked recording has been confirmed, and now Germany faces the task of investigating the incident thoroughly. The implications of the conversation and the potential pressure from Russia raise concerns about the security of sensitive discussions among military officials. As the investigation unfolds, it remains to be seen how Germany will respond and whether it will reconsider its stance on supplying Ukraine with Taurus missiles. The leaked recording serves as a reminder of the complex dynamics at play in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the geopolitical tensions between Russia and the West.

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