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Laura Escanes’ confession about her relationship with Risto Mejide: “I thought it was viable”

Laura Escanes is back in the news. The influencer, 28, has given a new interview where she returns to the topic of the age difference in love and how that “social stigma” affected her marriage with Risto Mejide, 49. A talk that took place in the podcast ‘The silence of the beer’ in which the young woman also opens up about the shortcomings that her relationship had before breaking up in 2022.

“We had some wonderful years because it was like that, I swear (…) Distance and time have made me see that, perhaps, with the responsibility I have to so many people, the best thing is not to romanticize depending on what things,” he said. a few days ago on his podcast ‘Between the sky and the clouds’. A speech very much in line with the one he gave in ‘The Silence of the Beer’.

“You connect with that person, but when there is such a difference in age, 20 years, you are not at the same vital moment. The other person has experienced infinite things more than you, he has an experience that you do not have, you have to give up many things to continue with that couple project,” says Laura Escanes. Of course, the content creator makes it clear that, in her case, Risto Mejide also had to make that effort.

The Catalan considers that, based on her experience, “there comes a time when that doesn’t make you happy.” “There are many moments that take you away, away and away. And I think that it is much easier to happen when there is an age difference than when there is not (…) I believed that a couple with an age difference is viable,” she adds.

“For a long time I put the other person above me and I was not aware of what I was, what I needed, nor of setting my limits and my things. That, at least in my experience, comes a time when it doesn’t make you happy,” he says in the aforementioned podcast.

Support on social networks

Laura Escanes’ words in ‘The Silence of the Beer’ are being widely applauded on social networks where many users welcome the young woman’s sincerity. “If it is already difficult to coincide in a vital moment with someone your age, imagine yourself 30 years older or younger…” or “I love this more mature, more experienced Laura, it is clear that she has worked on it and has the appropriate tools to speak from his point of view”, can be read on Instagram.

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However, the influencer’s position has also added some detractors: “You talk and the bread rises… We should all know it except you, daughter,” writes a tweeter on X, the old Twitter. “And that is so obvious, didn’t you deduce it or were you not warned before?” adds another.

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