Home » today » World » “Las Descamisadas”, el grupo de 24 mujeres que borda a mano frases de Eva Perón y presenta su primera muestra

“Las Descamisadas”, el grupo de 24 mujeres que borda a mano frases de Eva Perón y presenta su primera muestra

ght of the “Las Descamisadas”⁢ collective shines brightly in the art world,​ as they continue to honor the legacy of Eva Perón ​through their powerful embroidery work. The group of talented artists, hailing⁤ from various provinces‍ across Argentina,​ have come together to ‍create a stunning exhibition that not only ⁣showcases ​their artistic skills but also​ serves as a tribute to the iconic figure of Eva Perón.

The collective’s dedication to‌ preserving the memory of Eva Perón is truly inspiring. Through their⁤ intricate embroidery pieces, they are able to ​convey a message‌ of empowerment, solidarity, and social justice. Each stitch tells ‌a ⁣story,‍ each thread a symbol of resistance and resilience. The artists’ commitment ⁣to their craft and their cause is evident in every piece they‍ create.

One ‍of the most striking aspects of ⁢the “Las Descamisadas” exhibition is its inclusivity. The collective welcomes women of all backgrounds​ and skill levels⁢ to ‌join them in their mission. Whether you are ⁢a seasoned ⁣embroiderer or a ‌complete novice,⁢ there is a ‍place for you in‌ this empowering community. By‍ opening their⁢ doors to all who wish ​to learn and create, the collective is able to spread their message ⁣far and wide, ⁣inspiring others ⁤to take ‌up the needle and thread in⁣ the ⁤name of social change.

As ⁢the exhibition continues to captivate audiences​ in Buenos Aires, the artists of “Las Descamisadas” have their sights set⁣ on a national tour.​ They ⁣hope to bring their powerful ‌message ‍to every corner of Argentina, uniting women from all walks ​of life⁣ in a ‍shared mission of ​empowerment and ‌solidarity. ‍By expanding⁢ their reach and sharing ⁤their art with⁣ a wider audience, the collective aims to spark a movement⁣ that honors the spirit of Eva Perón‍ and champions the rights of all.

In a​ world where art and activism often intersect, “Las Descamisadas” stands out as a shining example of the power of creativity​ to effect change. Through their beautiful⁤ embroidery ⁤work and their unwavering ‍dedication to social justice, the collective is able to honor the legacy of Eva⁣ Perón in a truly unique and impactful way. As their exhibition continues to inspire and educate, ⁢one thing is clear: the message of “Las Descamisadas” ⁢will​ continue to resonate for‍ years to come, ⁢ensuring that the needs of ⁢the ⁤marginalized ⁢become‌ rights that grow and flourish.

Empowering Women Through Art: The Story of “Las Descamisadas”

Art has always ‌been a powerful tool for⁣ social change, and the collective known ‍as “Las⁢ Descamisadas” is a perfect example of how art can ⁤be used to empower women ⁤and ​advocate‌ for their⁢ rights. This group of⁢ talented artists and‍ embroiderers has come together to create a stunning exhibition that not only showcases their skills ⁤but⁤ also ⁤highlights ​the importance of women’s voices in society.

A Message of Unity and Empowerment

At ⁣the heart of “Las​ Descamisadas” is a message of unity and empowerment. Through their intricate embroidery ‌work,‍ these women are not only ⁢expressing themselves creatively but also making a statement about the⁤ value⁤ of women’s‌ labor and ⁢the power of collective action. By‌ coming together from‌ different parts of ‍Argentina, they⁣ are showing that⁢ when women support each other, incredible things⁢ can be achieved.

One of the key​ themes of the exhibition is⁣ the‍ legacy of Eva⁢ Perón, a figure who continues to inspire women⁢ to‍ this day. By honoring⁤ her memory and ⁣amplifying her message, “Las‍ Descamisadas”​ are ensuring that ⁣the fight for women’s rights ⁤and social justice remains alive and well.

Expanding the‍ Reach of the Exhibition

While the exhibition is currently on display at the Centro‍ Cultural Paco Urondo, the artists of “Las Descamisadas” have big​ plans for the‍ future. They‍ hope to take their show on the road and bring it⁣ to communities across Argentina, spreading their message of empowerment and solidarity far and wide.

If you are interested in hosting the exhibition in⁤ your‍ city⁤ or joining the collective, you can reach out to‌ them via email at [email protected] or​ through their social media channels. Whether you are an experienced embroiderer or a complete beginner,‍ if ‍you share their passion ⁢for women’s rights, you are more than welcome to join their cause.

A Collective of Talented Artists

The artists of “Las Descamisadas” come‍ from diverse backgrounds and regions,‌ but they are united in their commitment ‍to using art as a ​tool for social​ change.⁤ From Buenos Aires to Mar del Plata, La Plata to Santa Fe, these women are making their voices​ heard and their stitches count.

As you⁣ explore the exhibition,⁣ you will ‌see the incredible skill and creativity of ​each artist on ⁣display. From ⁤aerial embroidery to personal‍ narratives, each ⁣piece tells a story ​of resilience, strength, and hope.

By supporting “Las Descamisadas” and spreading the word about ‌their work, you are not ⁣only celebrating the power of women in art​ but also ‌contributing to a more ‌just and equitable society for all.

Empowering Women Through Art: The Story⁤ of “Las Descamisadas”

Art has always been a powerful tool for social change, and the collective known as “Las Descamisadas” is a perfect example of how art‌ can be used to amplify the voices of women⁣ and advocate for⁣ their rights. Through the art⁤ of embroidery,​ these women are not only creating beautiful ⁤pieces but also spreading a message of empowerment and solidarity.

A Collective Voice

What started as ⁣a⁤ small ⁢group of women coming together to​ share their love for ‌embroidery ‍has⁣ now grown into a ‌powerful collective that⁤ is⁣ making waves in the art world. By using their skills to create intricate pieces that tell stories of struggle, ⁣resilience, and hope, ⁣the⁢ members of‌ “Las Descamisadas” are reclaiming their voices and demanding to be heard.

“Our goal is to create ‌a space where women can ⁤come⁢ together, share their stories, and support each ​other,” says one‌ of the founding members of ⁢the​ collective. “Through⁣ our art, we are able ⁢to express our emotions, our fears, and our dreams in⁤ a way that words​ alone cannot.”

Empowering Through Education

One of ⁣the core beliefs of “Las Descamisadas” is that art should be accessible to ‌all women, regardless​ of their background or experience. ​That’s why they are not‍ only creating beautiful pieces of embroidery⁣ but also offering workshops and classes to teach other women how⁤ to ⁢embroider.

“We want to empower ​women to tell their own stories through art,” explains another member of the collective. “By teaching them the‍ skills of embroidery, we are giving them a⁣ voice and a platform to share their experiences with the world.”

A Vision for the Future

As‍ “Las Descamisadas” continues to grow and evolve, their vision for​ the future⁤ is⁣ clear: they want to take their message of empowerment and solidarity to women all across Argentina. By rotating their art show to different cities and ​provinces, they hope to inspire more women to join their collective and share their stories through art.

“Our ultimate ‍goal ‌is to keep Eva Perón’s legacy alive and ensure that the needs of women are recognized as rights,” says a member of the collective. “We want ‌to continue spreading her message ⁣of empowerment and fighting for⁢ a more just and equal⁤ society for ‍all.”

Join the‌ Movement

If you are interested in learning ‍more about ​”Las Descamisadas”⁢ or want to ‍get involved in their collective, you can reach out to them through their social media channels. Whether you are an experienced embroiderer ⁤or⁢ a complete beginner, there is ​a⁢ place for you in‍ this ⁤empowering community of women.

Together, we ⁤can continue to amplify ‍the ‍voices of women and create a more just and equal society for all.

Title: Empowering Women Through Art: The Story‍ of “Las⁢ Descamisadas”


Art has always‍ been a⁢ powerful tool for‌ social change, and the ‌collective known as “Las Descamisadas” is a shining example of how ⁣creativity can be used to empower women and advocate for their rights. Through the art of embroidery, these talented artists are not only creating⁣ beautiful ‌pieces but also spreading ⁤a message of‍ solidarity, feminism,⁣ and social justice.

The Power of Embroidery

Embroidery has long been ⁤associated with women’s work ⁣and domesticity,⁣ but “Las Descamisadas” are reclaiming this ‌traditional ‍craft​ as a form of resistance and empowerment. By ​using needle and thread to create intricate designs that celebrate the⁣ legacy of Eva Perón and highlight ⁤the struggles of women in Argentina,‌ these‌ artists are challenging⁢ stereotypes and breaking barriers.

Building a Community

One of the most inspiring aspects of “Las Descamisadas”⁤ is the sense of‌ community ​and solidarity that they have ⁣built among women from different backgrounds and regions. By coming together​ to create art that reflects their shared experiences and values, these artists are forging connections that transcend geographical boundaries‍ and cultural differences.

Expanding the Reach

While the current exhibition⁢ is taking place in Buenos Aires, the members of “Las Descamisadas” have ambitious plans to take their show on ‍the road and bring it to communities across Argentina. ⁢By making ‌their ‍art accessible to ​a‌ wider audience, they hope to inspire more ⁤women to join their collective and learn the art​ of embroidery as a form of self-expression⁤ and activism.

Joining the‌ Movement

If⁢ you​ are interested in ⁢supporting the work of “Las Descamisadas” or becoming a part⁤ of their collective, you can reach out ⁣to them through their social media channels or email. Whether you are an‌ experienced embroiderer or a complete beginner, there is a place for⁣ you in this inspiring group of⁣ women who are using ⁢art to change the world.


As‍ we ‍celebrate ⁤the legacy ‌of Eva Perón and honor​ the women who continue her ​work today, let us be inspired by⁢ the example⁤ of “Las Descamisadas” ​and their dedication to using art as a tool for empowerment​ and social change. Through creativity, solidarity, and a shared commitment to justice, we can⁤ all make⁣ a difference in⁢ the⁣ world.

“Empowering Women Through Art: The Story of Las⁣ Descamisadas”

In a world where women’s voices are ‌often silenced, a group of talented artists is using the⁤ power of⁤ art to ​make a statement. Las‌ Descamisadas, a collective of female embroiderers, is breaking barriers and challenging norms ​through ⁤their thought-provoking work.

The name‌ “Las Descamisadas” pays‍ homage to Eva Perón, a symbol of empowerment and resilience for⁢ women ‍around the world. ​Just like Eva, these⁣ artists are using their craft ⁢to ⁢amplify the voices of those⁣ who have been‌ marginalized and⁣ oppressed.

What sets Las Descamisadas apart is⁤ their commitment to independence. They refuse to be swayed by sponsors or⁣ financial backing, choosing instead to remain⁢ self-sufficient. This decision allows⁢ them to maintain the integrity of‌ their message​ and ensure that their art remains true ⁣to their collective vision.

Their current exhibition, on display at the Centro Cultural Paco Urondo, ⁢is⁢ a‍ testament to the⁤ power of ⁣unity and collaboration. Women from different provinces⁢ have come together​ to ⁣create a​ stunning display ⁣of embroidered⁤ art that ‍speaks to the heart of ⁣social issues ⁤and women’s rights.

But Las ‌Descamisadas​ have bigger plans in mind. They hope⁣ to take their exhibition‍ on the ‌road, bringing their‍ message of empowerment to every corner of Argentina. By opening up their project to other‌ cultural spaces and‍ inviting women to join their collective, they are paving the ‌way for a more inclusive and diverse artistic community.

As you walk through the exhibition, you can’t help but be moved by the⁣ stories woven ⁣into each stitch. From‌ the delicate‍ embroidery in the air ‌to the powerful ‍portraits of Eva Perón, every piece ​tells‍ a ⁣story of resilience, strength, and⁢ hope.

The artists behind Las Descamisadas are a diverse group of⁣ women from all⁤ walks of life, each bringing‍ their unique perspective to the collective. Together, they ‍are creating a powerful force for change⁢ and empowerment ​in the art world.

So, the next time you find yourself ​in Buenos Aires, make sure to visit Las Descamisadas. Let their art inspire ‍you, ⁣challenge you,⁣ and remind ⁤you of the power of women coming together to​ create something truly extraordinary.

“Let Eva’s words continue to resonate so that needs become rights that grow⁢ and ‌grow,” ⁢the artists express.⁢ Join⁤ them ‍on their journey to make ​a difference through art, ​one stitch at a ‌time.

“Las Descamisadas”
Free admission.
From 12 to 7 Monday to Friday at Centro Cultural Paco Urondo, 25 de Mayo 201. Until May⁤ 30.

The‍ artists: (list of artists from the original text)

Together, ‌they are redefining what ‌it means to be a woman in the art world and beyond. Join them on their‍ mission to empower, inspire, and create a more inclusive future for‌ all.

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