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Large highway accident in Russia 16 useless in the collision among trucks and minibuses

16 folks died in an incident among a truck and a minibus in Russia. The incident took put in the Ulyanovsk area of Russia. The Interior Ministry said 3 persons were hurt in the incident.

The out of management truck crashed into a minibus parked close to the Ulyanovsk location. The Ministry also informed via a press launch that a visitors jam occurred at the scene of the incident because of to road works in development.

Law enforcement produced the movie of the minibus staying entirely crushed in between two vans. The bodies were taken out by reducing the bus. The TASS news company noted that the truck driver was amongst the victims. Russian businesses have launched an investigation into the incident. Violation of street protection regulations is popular in Russia.

In January, 5 people were being killed and 21 injured in a bus accident in the Ryazan area, 270 km south of Moscow. In December 2019, 19 individuals had been killed and 21 injured when a bus carrying 40 passengers crashed into a river in Siberia’s Zabaikalsk area.

Highlights of the tale: At the very least 16 useless immediately after a truck crash in Russia

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