Home » today » News » Landtag Baden Württemberg – Happy coincidence: Policeman helps his uncle

Landtag Baden Württemberg – Happy coincidence: Policeman helps his uncle

What does it take for a really good story before Christmas? A little confusion, a little coincidence and, of course, a happy ending. Such a story happened on Friday in the district of Ludwigsburg. There, on his last day as a civil servant, a police officer made sure that a lost purse found its owner: his uncle.

According to the police report, a woman found her wallet with 600 euros in cash in a parking lot in Steinheim on Friday afternoon and handed it over to the local police. A police officer was unable to contact the owner, who allegedly lived in Waldbronn (district of Karlsruhe). She therefore informed the Albtal police station responsible for Waldbronn.

There the message ended up with a police officer, who was able to immediately assign the wallet to his 81-year-old uncle. He, in turn, lives in a retirement home in Steinheim and lost the precious piece there too. According to the announcement, this last working day was also the happy ending of his 42 years of service for the police officer.

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