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La renuncia a la alternativa: Antes que la corrupción, la bancarrota ideológica

Title: The Subsidiarity Paradigm and its Impact on Chilean Politics

Subtitle: The Rise of Private Institutions in Public Affairs

Date: June 26, 2023

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Introduction”Democracia Viva” and the Subsidiarity Paradigm in Chilean Politics

In a recent scandal that has rocked the Chilean political landscape, the organization “Democracia Viva” has come under fire for its misuse of”Democracia Viva” and the Subsidiarity Paradigm in Chilean Politics

In recent years, the concept of subsidiarity has become a dominant paradigm in Chilean politics. This paradigm, which advocates for the decentralization of power and the transfer of responsibilities from the state to private organizations, has been embracedTitle: The Subsidiarity Paradigm and its Impact on Chilean Politics

Subtitle: The Rise and Fall of “Democracia Viva”

Date: June 26, 2023

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The concept of subsidiarity, championed by conservative ideologue Jaime Guzmán, has shaped Chilean politics since the dictatorship era. However, recent events, such as the scandal surrounding “Democracia Viva,” have exposed the flaws and contradictions of this paradigm. This article explores the origins of subsidiarity, its implementation in Chile, and the challenges it poses for the left-wing political spectrum.

The Origins of Subsidiarity:
In 1969, Jaime Guzmán criticized the expansion of state institutions during the democratic administration of Eduardo Frei Montalva. Guzmán believed that the state was encroaching on various sectors of national activity, undermining the principles of subsidiarity. He argued that the state should focus on its core functions, such as defense, police, justice, and foreign relations, while leaving other tasks to private entities.

The Subsidiarity Paradigm in Practice:
Over the years, the subsidiarity paradigm became deeply ingrained in Chilean politics, influencing policies across all sectors. From public transportation to healthcare, from pensions to security, the state’s role was reduced, and private entities were entrusted with providing services. However, this approach often led to inefficiencies and increased costs for the state, as exemplified by the Crédito con Aval del Estado and Transantiago.

The Role of Private Organizations:
One of the less noticeable aspects of subsidiarity is the delegation of public policy execution to private organizations, whether for-profit or non-profit. This has resulted in the proliferation of NGOs and foundations that receive state funding to carry out social assistance programs. While this may seem beneficial, it allows private entities to profit from public resources without being held accountable to the public or undergoing rigorous selection processes.

The Left’s Response:
Despite occasional criticism, the left-wing political spectrum in Chile has failed to provide a viable alternative to subsidiarity. Instead, they have replicated the same model by creating their own private organizations to access state funds for social missions. They have also embraced the notion that the private sector is more efficient than the state, perpetuating the idea that the state is a burden rather than an entity that can be reformed and made more efficient.

The Fall of “Democracia Viva”:
The recent scandal surrounding “Democracia Viva” is a culmination of this trend within the Chilean left. The organization, once seen as a symbol of moral integrity, succumbed to the temptations of the subsidiarity paradigm. The pursuit of state funds and the lack of ideological clarity have tarnished its reputation and exposed the flaws of the entire system.

The dominance of the subsidiarity paradigm in Chilean politics has led to the privatization of public services and the erosion of the state’s role. While initially intended to promote efficiency and reduce corruption, it has resulted in a system that prioritizes private profit over public welfare. The recent scandal involving “Democracia Viva” serves as a wake-up call for the left-wing political spectrum to reevaluate its approach and develop a genuine alternative to the subsidiarity paradigm.

What steps can be taken to ensure greater accountability and transparency in the relationship between private organizations, such as “Democracia Viva,” and the state in order to mitigate potential risks and ethical dilemmas


Private organizations, such as “Democracia Viva,” emerged as major players in Chilean politics under the subsidiarity paradigm. These organizations gained significant influence and power, often overshadowing government institutions. They took on various roles, from advocating for specific causes to providing services that were once the responsibility of the state. However, the recent scandal involving “Democracia Viva” has exposed the potential risks and ethical dilemmas associated with this concentration of power.

The Rise and Fall of “Democracia Viva”:

“Democracia Viva” was once hailed as a model of effective subsidiarity, with its focus on citizen participation and grassroots initiatives. However, allegations of corruption and misuse of funds have tarnished its reputation and brought the entire subsidiarity paradigm into question. This scandal has revived debates about the need for stronger accountability mechanisms and transparency in the relationship between private organizations and the state.

Challenges for the Left-Wing Political Spectrum:

The subsidiarity paradigm has presented significant challenges for the left-wing political spectrum in Chile. While the concept initially aimed to decentralize power and promote individual freedom, it has often resulted in increased inequality and decreased access to essential services for marginalized communities. The left-wing political spectrum must grapple with these contradictions and find ways to ensure that the principles of social justice and equity are not compromised under the subsidiarity paradigm.


The rise of the subsidiarity paradigm in Chilean politics has had a profound impact on the country’s governance and public affairs. However, recent events have shed light on the potential flaws and complexities associated with this paradigm. Moving forward, it is crucial for policymakers to evaluate the effectiveness and ethics of the subsidiarity approach and strive for a balance between decentralization and social justice. Only through careful consideration and responsible implementation can Chilean politics truly benefit from the subsidiarity paradigm.

1 thought on “La renuncia a la alternativa: Antes que la corrupción, la bancarrota ideológica”

  1. La corrupción y la bancarrota ideológica son problemas urgentes que enfrenta nuestro país. Es decepcionante ver cómo los líderes políticos abandonan sus ideales y priorizan sus intereses personales sobre el bienestar de la sociedad. Es momento de exigir transparencia, integridad y un compromiso genuino con el servicio público. Solo así podremos construir un futuro basado en valores sólidos y principios éticos.


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