Home » today » Entertainment » Ksenia Mishina, after rumors of parting with Ellert, came to the “Bachelor” and told the whole truth: “I ask Sasha …”

Ksenia Mishina, after rumors of parting with Ellert, came to the “Bachelor” and told the whole truth: “I ask Sasha …”

Ksenia Mishina and Alexander Ellert dispelled rumors of a breakup

According to Politeka.net, the couple became guests of the special issue of the post-show “The Bachelor. Life after the Project”.

Recently, the fans of the couple are worried about whether the lovers broke up, since they stopped appearing on each other’s social networks.

Moreover, Ksenia deleted joint photos with Alexander from her Instagram page.

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In a comment to Grigory Reshetnik, the couple admitted that they are together and that they are doing well, although there are quarrels.

“It all depends on what happened between us. The basic rule in the family is to sit down to talk. I ask Sasha to talk to me through the word beloved,” the actress admitted.

The Ukrainians breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing such a revelation from Xenia.

“I really like them, they are cool, I am glad that they are together”, “I worried more for them than for the bachelor”, “For evil to enemies, for the joy of people”, “Such a cool couple of happiness and love for many years”, “I am very glad to see them together and very happy,” they wrote on the net.

Recall “Bachelor” Mishina, against the background of rumors about parting with Ellert, turned to the Ukrainians: “What a pain …”

As reported by Politeka, “What kind of grandfather is this?”: Ellert, against the background of a new “parting” with the “Bachelor” Mishina, surprised by his appearance

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