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Knowing the Benefits of Dragon Fruit, Can Help Brighten Skin

RADARSOLO.ID – Eating fruit has many benefits, both for the health of the body, from the vitamin content to the abundant antioxidant content. One fruit that is known to be rich in goodness is dragon fruit. But it turns out that dragon fruit not only has good benefits for body health, this one fruit also has good benefits for those of you who want to take care of your skin.

As one of the natural skin beauty treatments, dragon fruit can provide beauty benefits in fighting sunburn, acne or damage caused by free radicals. One that certainly attracts attention is that dragon fruit can help brighten the skin.

Reported from Dr. Fadhli Rizal Makarim on HalodocHere are the benefits of dragon fruit for skin beauty care:

  1. Helps Brighten Skin

Dragon fruit is known as one of the fruits that is rich in vitamin C, where this vitamin C has excellent benefits to help brighten the skin. In addition, another benefit of the vitamin C content in dragon fruit is that it helps protect the skin from the effects of dullness and makes the skin look fresher.

  1. Help Reduce Acne

Well, besides being able to help brighten the skin, vitamin C in dragon fruit also has good benefits to help reduce acne on the skin. This is because vitamin C can act as an antioxidant that can protect the skin from damage and maintain skin health and make it look more radiant.

  1. Soothes Sunburned Skin

The content of vitamin B3 in dragon fruit is known to have benefits for soothing sunburned skin. With these ingredients, dragon fruit can be an instant relief for inflammation, redness of the skin or itching caused by ultraviolet light.

  1. Fighting Premature Aging

Sun exposure, free radicals, and other things in one’s routine can create damage to the skin. This will result in the appearance of fine lines on the skin that even give the impression of being old, even though it is not yet time. The content of vitamins and antioxidants in dragon fruit is claimed to be able to help prevent premature aging by ensuring good nutrition as a natural skin beauty treatment.

  1. Preventing Free Radical Damage

Free radicals are known as substances that can damage body cells and cause oxidative stress. This can make the skin become dehydrated all the time and look dull and even age prematurely. Well, with the antioxidant content in dragon fruit, it can play a role in preventing free radicals and dull skin. (Between)

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