Home » today » World » Kindergarten bonus, no INPS reimbursement since December with delays of over 3,000 euros: parents’ social protest rages

Kindergarten bonus, no INPS reimbursement since December with delays of over 3,000 euros: parents’ social protest rages

“We are sorry for the inconvenience and delay accumulated. The problem is being resolved.” The INPS is trying to stop the tsunami of protests that is overwhelming it on social media: the ‘nursery bonus’ provided by the institute has not yet been paid since January. And moms and dads are furious and demanding answers.

No payments since January

“For applications in progress – explains INPS-social – we will have to wait for the offices to complete the preliminary investigation phase. In any case, a large part of the refunds should be paid by the end of May”. In short, the payments are in order until December 2023 but since the beginning of the year still no accreditation, even if in the last official communication dated 20 April, it was taken for granted that accreditations had been arranged for the first applications accepted.

Unregistered practices

All false: in some cases the practices are not even registered, and even when they are (for months), they are never ‘closed’ so that the payment is made to the current account or via the method chosen by each individual parent. Parents are worried, the bonus is sometimes fundamental support for those with children under 3 years of age. Some users have already advanced more than 3,000 euros for nursery school fees.

Parents’ anger

“Application for nursery school contribution made on 4 March; after 64 days still in ‘Protocoled’ status,” the parents wrote on social media. “The local office communicates that Rome does not send the applications to the competent offices and therefore they cannot process them. But are you serious? Already paid 5 months, pay more than 2,000 euros in advance. When will you pay the bonus, in December? Shameful!!!”. Again: “I also called again to ask.” “I have already paid 4 monthly payments for a total of 3,200. No comment. Truly shameful.” A user also points out that “today is May 7th and I am about to advance the fifth instalment, what was supposed to be help for families will become help to cover the loans that families are asking for”.

The back and forth

No positive outcome even for those who managed to speak with an INPS call center operator or via email. “Why don’t you talk about the shameful management of the nursery bonus??? Question submitted on 02/29 still in Protocol status, written complaints made without response, on Friday I finally manage to speak to the switchboard and the operator tells me that she sees the question, that everything is in order and we just have to wait. Today I received the response to my written complaint: my question is not visible and therefore cannot be worked on. They will keep the name in evidence to resolve it as soon as possible. Same response sent to many other acquaintances…But how do you work???”, writes another user. “Dear User, At the moment the questions are present on the new management system in the preliminary phase, however we are not yet allowed to settle them because the procedure is not active. Kind regards”, is the response received from another parent.

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– 2024-05-09 11:05:35

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