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“Killer Bee Swarm in Nicaragua Claims Multiple Lives in Horrific Incident”

A swarm of “killer bees” caused the death of several people, in a strange and horrific incident that occurred in Nicaragua.

The story began with a traffic accident, where a bus with 60 passengers on board deviated from the main road and collided with an area for breeding deadly African bees, which led to the exit of a swarm of bees, and the attack on the bus passengers who were still under the shock of the traffic accident, and were trying to get out of the bus.

Although the bus was damaged after it was planted for more than 50 meters in agricultural land, the death of a number of passengers did not come because of the accident, but rather because of bee stings, as it was kept in wooden hives, according to “Sky News”. Preliminary reports stated that the death toll has exceeded 6 so far, because the number is subject to increase due to the presence of a number of those who were stung by killer bees in a critical health condition.

Pictures of the victims showed dozens of red spots all over their upper bodies, as a result of the fatal stings.

#Killer #bees #attack #bus #passengers #death #people
2023-05-10 12:56:47

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