Home » today » World » Kilkis: The 45-year-old who was shot with a carbine was a would-be burglar – 2024-05-23 08:21:54

Kilkis: The 45-year-old who was shot with a carbine was a would-be burglar – 2024-05-23 08:21:54

The would-be burglar of his livestock unit was shot and killed by the 54-year-old in Kilkis, who was arrested for homicide.

Based on the Police announcement, 2 adults and a couple of minors, using in a automobile, went to a livestock unit and tried to interrupt the door of the unit, the place the 54-year-old man was.

The person fired a looking rifle at them, killing the 45-year-old. His three accomplices had been arrested for tried theft and a looking rifle, a cartridge and a shotgun shell had been confiscated. These arrested will probably be taken to the Kilkis First Occasion Prosecutor.

The announcement of EL.AS

He was arrested yesterday (Might 20, 2024) within the night within the space of ​​Kilkis, by cops of the Kilkis Safety Division, an area man, for murder.

Specifically, a little bit earlier, 2 grownup males and a couple of minors, using in a automobile, went to a livestock unit and tried to interrupt the door of the unit, the place the aforementioned man was.

The arrested particular person then fired a looking rifle in the direction of them, fatally injuring an grownup man.

His three accomplices had been situated by the police and arrested for tried theft.

A looking rifle, a cartridge and a shotgun shell had been confiscated.

These arrested will probably be taken to the Kilkis First Occasion Prosecutor.

#Kilkis #45yearold #shot #carbine #wouldbe #burglar

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