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Ki Joko Bodo Sick, Once Mysterious, Now Closer to God


Ki Joko Bodo originally known as spiritual experts and astrologers. The appearance is also quirky and considered scary.

Long hair, that looks messy Ki Joko Bodo’s past appearance. He also has various kinds of mystical objects ranging from kris to mystical paintings.

In the past, Ki Joko Bodo was known as a psychic. All of his movements were mystical.

However, in 2014 the man whose full name was Agus Yulianto admitted that he had repented. Ki Joko Bodo repented happened after he returned home for Umrah.

“All I left behind after I went on a spiritual journey to Mecca,” said Ki Joko Bodo in 2014.

Slowly Ki Joko Bodo threw away the mystical things that clung to him.

“I have lost all mystical objects and keris. I have lost even the amulets,” he continued.

He also donated one of his practice places to build a place of worship. His activity as a clairvoyant and psychic was reduced, although there were still patients who came.

In the process of his conversion, Ki Joko Bodo burned all of his mystical paintings.

“I burn those depicting living things, I can’t do that. If it’s rare to oppose God, why do we maintain it. In the form of religious prohibitions and God I avoid. I want to get closer to Allah,” he admitted at that time.

Ki Joko Bodo Getting Closer to God

After confessing repentance, Ki Joko Bodo donated one of his practice places to become a mosque. Ki Joko Bodo said that it was time to repent every day.

“Right now I want to serve the community. I have donated my house for the mosque in Al Umar, which was a practice (paranormal) first,” said Ki Joko Bodo around 2019.

Already Penitent, Ki Joko Bodo’s Appearance Is More Regilus Photo: Asep Syaifullah

Wanting to live in accordance with the teachings of the Creator, Ki Joko Bodo now never forgets prayer. When treating patients, Ki Joko Bodo also used more reading of the Koran.

“Now closer to God, closer to God. Let his life not have a separate direction. In the past, looking for God has now found God,” he explained.

On the next page Ki Joko Bodo is sick, it’s hard to walk, and the voice is missing

Watch VideoEven though he had moved, Ki Joko Bodo was still himself
[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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