Home » today » Health » Kesha Ratuliu Reveals Doing Medical Screening and HPV Vaccination Before Marriage

Kesha Ratuliu Reveals Doing Medical Screening and HPV Vaccination Before Marriage

JAKARTA, iNews.id – Artist Kesha Ratuliu so take care of his health, especially when not married. This 22 year old woman decided to go for medical screening, in order to find out her body condition before being edited by Adhi Permana.

Kesha revealed, before marriage she had vaccinated against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), to maintain her health and her family in the future.

“If I am more concerned with health problems than Adhi, such as vaccines, I have more frequent screening as well. I am more focused on myself, if something is a little strange, I’m never afraid to check,” he said in the #VaksinasiHPVSebelumMenikah webinar: Protected Together. , Wednesday (10/3/21).

I vaccinated for HPV itself is done to prevent cervical cancer. In addition to the HPV vaccine, Kesha said, before marriage, she had also had breast tumors. He was regretful, so now he chooses to live healthier.

This is because Kesha is more vigilant and chooses to check her health before marriage. As well as a healthy lifestyle, and food he is very careful.

“I want to invite all women and couples who are getting married to immediately administer this vaccination, so that they can continue to protect themselves and those we care about,” he said.

Editor: Dyah Ayu Pamela

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