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Keep Rocking, New Underwater Volcano Found!

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – A study managed to find a volcano that was born three years ago. The researchers were also able to record the details and characteristics of the volcano off the coast of Africa. According to the study, an underwater volcano was the largest eruption ever recorded.

Around 2018, researchers noticed a rumbling under the sea. Sesimometers show something is going on under the seabed in the region between Malawi Africa and Madagascar, near the French island of Mayotte, quoted from Phys, Wednesday (27/10/2021).

The researchers ended up installing several seismometers on the ocean floor. They also monitor the location with sonar instruments.

Within a few months, they recorded thousands of tremors from a depth of 20-50 kilometers under the sea. In fact, this finding goes further than previously thought.

According to data and images, this volcano appears to have formed on the seabed and is still growing. Not until there, the research team conducted monitoring and collected initial data on its existence.

The researchers found the mountain came from a large magma chamber that sits in the mantle beneath the crust. Next there is tectonic movement to break up the rock that allows magma to rise.

This event creates an embankment and generates vibrations. Magma reaches the ocean floor and goes into the water and cools and hardens. Finally, a mountain is formed with a height of up to 820 meters.

It is estimated that the volcanic vomit reaches five cubic kilometers. Be the biggest on record. The research team also added that underwater volcanoes can erupt or make volcanoes in the vicinity become active.

The researchers also promise to carry out continuous monitoring throughout the area.

[Gambas:Video CNBC]


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