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Kazan actor and playwright Pavel Polyakov died at age 36

Actor and playwright die in Kazan Pavel Polyakov. He was 36 years old. According to sources of “BUSINESS Online”, he became ill with his heart, and he died in an ambulance. On the death of the artist in his “Facebook“Said the co-founder of the Living City Foundation Inna Yarkova. The corresponding post appeared on the page of the creative laboratory “Corner”.

“Pasha played in many performances and wrote even more plays. He still has a wife and a family, ”wrote Ugla employees and announced about fundraising to help the family.

Polyakov collaborated with the creative laboratory “Corner”, “Package Theater”, participated in the laboratories “Sviyazhsk ARTel”, contests of modern drama. One of the notable works of recent times was the role of Avvakum in the play. Elizabeth Stishovashown at last year’s Sviyazhsk ARTeli.

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