Home » today » World » Kasselakis: “The castle of the right is collapsing – With SYRIZA, we want a better life and we want it now” – 2024-04-13 08:36:39

Kasselakis: “The castle of the right is collapsing – With SYRIZA, we want a better life and we want it now” – 2024-04-13 08:36:39

“There is a current out in society, the castle of right-wing propaganda is collapsing day by day, and against it, you will see that this great gathering will grow and become in two months a sea of ​​people. I have no doubt about that,” emphasized Stefanos Kasselakis at the latest presentation of candidates of the Attica region for the nomination of SYRIZA in the European elections, in the central square of Nea Smyrna.

“Let’s go for the first party, that’s where we belong, in the ruling patriotic modern left that solves the world’s problems and is not afraid to go against the mechanisms of interests” underlined the president of SYRIZA – PS.

Regarding the original participation process implemented by SYRIZA for the selection of candidates, he said that “this process that you see today, the day before yesterday, the day before yesterday, throughout the territory and with the emigrants we had an online gathering is an innovation, a celebration of democracy. On Sunday and the members and all of you who are friends of SYRIZA, the progressive citizens of Greece can participate and draw up a ballot of which you will be proud and proud. And this ballot is based on you, the candidates.”

Stefanos Kasselakis, addressing the candidates, noted that “here begins the path of engagement with the public and it will be a long path for all of you. Many congratulations in advance.”

He then sent the message that he himself is transparent, unlike Kyriakos Mitsotakis. “I know that others have a problem with me because the Greenberg propaganda needs a predictable opponent to succeed. I’m not predictable either. And as long as they wait for me in the corner, I will come out to them from somewhere else. Yesterday I opened my house to the TV camera, today they put their paid guns that I am showing off my wealth. I have no reason to change how I live. To a prime minister who is celebrating the acquisition of the 42nd property without anyone knowing how an untold fortune is made on the salary of the MP, I feel I have an obligation to let people know how I live, where I live and with whom I live. Everything in transparency”.

“Transparency is not part of my profile, transparency is my life,” he emphasized and continued: “41 properties, undeclared Voltaires, offshore companies, fake IDs and a failed career in the private sector for Mr. Mitsotakis with investment losses and to his employer. To spend 1.5 months of unemployment before becoming an MP. This is the meritocracy of the ND. We have another meritocracy and you see it behind me. We are the other perspective of transparency. This is me, all worked, all declared and all taxed according to the strict laws of America”.

The president of SYRIZA – PS continued: “When I tell you that no one is holding me, I want you to see in practice why no one is holding me. I live in a transparent house where everything is visible and the prime minister lives in a glass tower cut off from everything. This is Maximou today, a glass tower that someone inside orders editing, tampering, hides what the commercial train contained, while he knows, someone who orders wiretapping, but that someone is never the prime minister, someone else puts his hand, the ghost of Maximus probably. And I ask, after all, since Mr. Mitsotakis knows nothing, does he control anything of all that is happening in the country? Can he not see anything of all that torments the Greek woman and the Greek man? The only thing that can see the prices fly. Olive oil +116%, lamb +66%, cheeses +42%, fruit +40%, cereals +39%, sugar +37%, fuel +34%, beef, eggs, milk +33%, bread +32%. We are the second country in Europe in food inflation and probably the first at the end of the month. The Greeks are the second poorest in the European Union after Bulgaria. We don’t say that, the official Eurostat figures say so. We managed that too.”

He cited four of SYRIZA’s “substantial, intrusive, brave proposals” against accuracy:

  • 0% VAT on basic goods, 6% VAT on personal hygiene products for adults and baby care products.
  • Maximum profit margin of 5% for electricity companies
  • Reduction of the VAT on fuel to the lowest rate in the European Union because it is not possible in Greece for gasoline refined in our country to be sold more expensively in Cyprus.
  • Teiresias of 5 years for those companies that make a profit.

Read also: Parliament: Only with ND votes did the bill pass – the government’s broom for new “taxes” on the National Social Security System

#Kasselakis #castle #collapsing #SYRIZA #life

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