Home » today » World » Kasselakis: “If someone doubts me, say so now” – Committed to a statutory Congress – 2024-02-21 21:47:45

Kasselakis: “If someone doubts me, say so now” – Committed to a statutory Congress – 2024-02-21 21:47:45

He tried to put an end to introversion and self-doubt Stefanos Kasselakis.

“It’s clear there are operational and structural problems and that’s not just my finding, it’s something I’m getting from our members themselves. These party structures belong to another time” he said at the beginning of his introduction to the Political Secretariat and committed to a constitutional Congress, which will probably take place in the Autumn:

See also: “SYRIZA is too cruel to die” says Kasselakis – No question of a Central Committee

“I will make my proposals for constitutional changes when the constitutional Congress takes place, which will be a re-establishment Congress,” he said verbatim.

He then asked for the clear support of the party:

“What I am about to tell you is not a personal matter. However, if you can’t say you trust me, then say who you want. If you really don’t trust me, live rebaptism of the will and the mandate of the members”.

Essentially, he told the members of the Political Secretariat that he will not hesitate to appeal to the base to claim his re-election.

“If anyone doubts me, do it here and now. I will not become Iphigenia…” he said verbatim and added that the party should go to the national elections “without the permanent challenge” of the president.

“I respect the Organs. I am collective and I respect them, even though there is no collective process without leaks. How can a Body function if you don’t respect the process yourself?’ he wondered, shooting spikes at the rest of the members…

According to information, the majority of the Political Secretariat told Stefanos Kasselakis that they are not giving him a “blank cheque” and that “he will also be judged in the European elections”.

Read also: Stefanos Kasselakis on the agricultural “bloc” in Syntagma – “There is a cartel. For the state to intervene” (Video)

SYRIZA for farmers: The government pretends to listen to them but in fact it mocks them (Video)

#Kasselakis #doubts #Committed #statutory #Congress

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