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Kamil Glik on medical tests. “I missed Italy” [WIDEO]

Kamil Glik is undergoing medical examinations today before signing a contract with Benevento. The Pole leaves AS Monaco after four years and returns to Serie A. – I missed Italy he told reporters outside the entrance to the Villa Stuart clinic in Rome.

Glik was in great spirits before entering the Villa Stuart clinic, where the Serie A players undergo most of the examinations prior to signing. This is where Dr. Pier Paolo Mariani works – a specialist in the reconstruction of cruciate ligaments, who treats half of Europe. In Rome, he appeared in the company of his manager Jarosław Kołakowski.

I missed Italy – the Polish representative told journalists. In the Apennine Peninsula he played in Palermo, Bari and Torino. He gained the status of a legend in the last club. He was the first foreign captain of “il Toro”.

If Glik’s health is fine, he will sign a 3-year contract with the “Witches” team. The Pole played 167 matches in Monaco – he scored 14 goals and scored seven assists. Most in his career at any club.

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