Home » today » Entertainment » Kamala Harris has been president of the United States for 85 minutes for a medical check-up of Joe Biden

Kamala Harris has been president of the United States for 85 minutes for a medical check-up of Joe Biden

Ethe American president, Joe Biden, ha rassumed responsibilities again what was there traded for a medical check-up to Kamala Harris, who briefly became the first woman to assume the presidency of the United States.

“My check-up went very well,” he said upon leaving the hospital.. Little did he arrive at the White House, where he declared with a smile: “I feel good”.

The point is that Kamala Harris, vice president of the great world power, had to take the lead after Joe Biden, who turns 79 this Saturday, will undergo a “Routine” colonoscopy under anesthesia.

Therefore, you transfer your prerogatives to the vice president at 3:10 p.m., under the conditions provided by the United States Constitution. And I took back the reins “around 11:35 this morning”, according to the White House.

This meant that there was a historical hiatus from one hour and 25 minutes, during which a woman was at the head of the world’s leading power.

Joe Biden and the 25th Amendment: By Prevention

Joe Biden relied on the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which states that when the president is not “fit” to exercise his functions, transfer his “powers and duties” to the vice president, who will exercise them until the tenant of the White House says that he is in a position to take them back.

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