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Kaesang Pangarep Praises Older Brother Gibran Rakabuming Raka in Vice Presidential Debate


General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Kaesang Parangep mentioning his older brother, Gibran Rakabuming Raka is a much better version of his father, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Kaesang conveyed this when he answered one of the students’ questions regarding political dynasties.

“I think even though this is called dynastic politics, my friends have now seen the quality. Like yesterday (the vice presidential debate), I think this is a much better version of Mr President, that’s all,” said Kaesang when met at Kopi Kita, Kendari , Southeast Sulawesi, Saturday (23/12/2023).

Not only that, Kaesang also answered questions about how Jokowi educates his children who are now involved in the world of politics. He answered that his father taught him and his older brother, Gibran, not to be arrogant.

“Actually, it’s simple, one of the things we were taught was that we shouldn’t be arrogant. One of them is that we shouldn’t look down on other people. When we put others down, when we elevate ourselves, we will definitely be humbled. So when we are put down by others, that’s “I’m sure it will be raised later,” said Kaesang.

He also touched on the nicknames Gibran received during the vice presidential campaign. Starting from sulfuric acid or samsul to star fruit vegetables.

“So we don’t need to worry about people’s stigma, ‘Wow, this is star fruit vegetable’, what is this called because yesterday they said something wrong about folic acid and sulfuric acid being completely fried but it turns out that when we were on the forum we could prove it, yes, that’s what should be proven. by Mas Gibran,” he said.

“Because yesterday, every time he was asked why he never took part in discussions with parties here, there, there, Mas Gibran just answered, ‘I’m waiting for the formal thing from the KPU’, people immediately started blaspheming again, ‘Wow, don’t you dare, not this, I’m afraid, I’m afraid,'” he added.

Kaesang then praised Gibran’s performance at the inaugural 2024 vice presidential debate yesterday. The many nicknames and insults directed at Gibran did not make him doubt his older brother’s qualities.

“Maybe the friends here are a little worried, they are afraid that what is called the stigma of star fruit vegetables, the stigma of samsul will happen. But as for me, as his younger brother, I have been working with him all this time, we are looking for investors, Mas Gibran is always the first person to presentation. He is always brave,” he said.

“Well, that’s why I never worry, because he’s actually capable, he just doesn’t want to show it and happens to be very talkative. That’s all,” he concluded.


2023-12-23 14:22:34

#Kaesang #Calls #Gibran #Version #Jokowi

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