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Just touching the dog’s nose to know if he is healthy, here’s what to look out for

When we share our life with a pet, we quickly learn to communicate with him and understand his language, made up of looks, tail wagging and affection. Often, however, animals do not communicate discomfort or pain in the same way we do, and we need to know what to look out for in order to be able to tell if something is wrong with our animal friends.

As for dogs, the most important indicator of their health is the nose. We can learn to examine it to understand the most obvious symptoms of a discomfort in our canine friend. A dog’s nose can tell us many things, just know what to do.

Just touching the dog’s nose to know if he is healthy, here’s what to look out for.


In a dog that is bursting with health, the nose should always be fresh when the dog is at rest. Obviously, if we have just returned from a long summer walk, our dog may be hot, and therefore have a warmer or warmer nose. But under normal circumstances, the dog’s nose should be cool. Just touch the dog’s nose to tell if he has a fever or is sick. Obviously, if you feel unwell, there may be other symptoms, such as lethargy, lack of appetite, or tremors, but the nose is a good first indicator of a dog’s general health.


Just touching the dog’s nose to know if he is healthy, here’s what to look out for: we also need to make sure the dog’s nose is moist. Dogs usually lick their noses often, so they can better perceive smells. If our dog’s nose is dry or cracked, this could indicate dehydration or another health problem. Always make sure our dog has plenty of fresh water available.
If we notice worrying symptoms or behaviors, it is always necessary to consult a veterinarian who will be able to give us an accurate diagnosis.

Dogs suffer not only from physical, but sometimes psychological ailments as well. Here’s how to recognize the symptoms of a very common disorder: obsessive compulsive disorder in dogs.

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