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Journey of ink and color: the celebration of the album book

International Children’s and Young People’s Book Day is not just a celebration, it is a call to the imagination.

In the glittering darkness of CCE Lima, at the crossroads of Jr. Natalio Sánchez, the magic of stories comes to life. It is not a common day, it is April 2, a day as special as the stories that emerge from the pages of books. It is International Children’s and Young People’s Book Day, the anniversary of the birth of Hans Christian Andersen, the father of countless fables that have fueled the dreams of generations.

From Cuba to Peru, from the pen to the brush, a conversation is woven between illustrators, writers and curious people eager to discover the secrets behind the art of narrating with images and words. It is the talk “I just want to ask”, where Yunier Serrano, known as Valerio, the master of the canvas that comes to life, and Jéssica Rodríguez, the narrator of worlds, unravel the mysteries of the creation of the album book.

On stage, Two Care Girls, a book that challenges the borders between reality and fiction, between the oral and the written, between the word and the line. Valerio and Rodríguez invite us on a journey beyond words, where images become the echo of the whispers of the imagination.

The album book, a universe where literature and art dance in perfect harmony, challenging the limits of convention. It is not just an illustrated book, it is a canvas where words and strokes intertwine their destinies to give life to new worlds, far from the stereotypes that have plagued children’s literature.

As the sun prepares to set behind the buildings of Lima, Valerio guides us in a literary illustration workshop, revealing the secrets behind each stroke, each shadow, each brushstroke that gives life to the characters and landscapes that inhabit our minds.

International Children’s and Young People’s Book Day is not just a celebration, it is a call to the imagination, a reminder of the importance of books in the development of creativity and access to culture for the youngest. It is a journey that invites us to immerse ourselves in the pages of a book, where each word is an adventure and each image is a dream come true.

Yunier Serrano, known as Valerio, a master of the pen and brush, takes us by the hand through the paths of the imagination, while De Lirio Ediciones, a beacon of creativity in the vast publishing ocean, guides us towards new horizons literary. With each album book, with each page that unfolds before our eyes, the world expands a little more, inviting us to explore, to dream, to be free in the land of the imagination.

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– 2024-04-22 09:26:03

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