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Jorge Ramos’ girlfriend humiliates Fernando del Rincón’s wife

  • Chiqui Delgado shares a spectacular photograph that conquers his admirers
  • With a super rear, in leggings, Jorge Ramos’ girlfriend humiliates the wife of Fernando del Rincón
  • Julie Giliberti uploads a video showing exercise routines

A great gift was the one that Chiqui Delgado, Jorge Ramos’ girlfriend, gave to his admirers, since he shows a super butt in leggings, and incidentally ‘humiliates’ Fernando del Rincón’s wife, Julie Giliberti, who uploaded video on where it shows exercise routines.

With more than 80 thousand likes so far, including the Russian actress and model Irina Baeva, girlfriend of actor Gabriel Soto, Chiqui Delgado writes the following to accompany this publication that is available on her official Instagram account: “No more excuses. #excusesnoquemancalorías. Great day for [email protected]!! ”.

Jorge Ramos’s girlfriend immediately began to receive compliments of all kinds: “Wow, madam, old age does not exist in your life, how good, our friend Chiqui stayed at 27, hehehe, totally from Maracaibo to the world” , “Always spectacular, Venezuelan at last”.

There was no lack of people who noticed Chiqui Delgado’s super butt: “Oh my God, what a …”, “Operated”, “What a sweetie”, “Rico cu …”, “Mmmm, what good nal …, you are exquisite”, ” Chiqui, what beautiful buttocks you have, beautiful “,” What a end … so beautiful “.

There was also no lack of fans who declared themselves in love with Jorge Ramos’ girlfriend: “In love with you since I was 15 years old and now more and more”, “I love you, beautiful princess”, “You are perfect”, “How pretty you are, heart”.

One user noted that Chiqui Delgado has remained young for a long time: “When I was five years old, you looked the same as now that I’m 29 … you don’t have time.”

Another user made a recommendation to her, although she ignored the fact that she and Jorge Ramos have a relationship: “Chiqui, how beautiful !!! You look so good and what a shame you are alone, give yourself time for the love of a couple, fall in love !!! ”.

For her part, Julie Giliberti, wife of Fernando del Rincón, shared a video on her official Instagram account, in which she shows the exercise routines she is currently doing at home, and reveals spectacular legs in minishorts.

With more than 15,000 reproductions, the wife of Fernando del Rincón tells that “this is the only thing that has occurred to me that works for me: putting on cufflinks has been my biggest hit to be from one side of the house to the other.”

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The comments for Julie Giliberti were immediate from her followers: “We love you”, “This way you are beautiful and very good”.

An admirer of Fernando del Rincón’s wife made a request to him: “Julie, please, how can I lose the pounds that I put on in Kay’s marriage and without being able to walk with this virus? Take care, my pretty.

Finally, a user had a good idea to exercise at home: “Thank you, Julie, I am going to do it, because if not, when the quarantine is over, I will not fit through the door of my house. Blessings”.

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