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Jorge Asís’s warning on América TV that worries Juntos por el Cambio less than a month before the POLITICAL STEP El Intransigente

In the midst of the ‘Olivosgate’ scandal and other issues related to the national government, the political analyst and writer Jorge Assisi took a space to focus on the main opposition alliance, Together for Change. In this sense, and taking into account the proximity of the primary legislative elections (PASO), the former Argentine ambassador to Portugal warned: “There is a problem here”.

In dialogue with Alejandro Fantino in Intractable (América TV), Asís began by stating that at a time when “the Government is petrified within a photograph from which it cannot get out,” “the political opposition and political journalism catch on to the jugular of that photograph because they know that truly it is something that messes up the ruling party ”. As a result, the opposition went from a state of disorder to a state of order, he explained.

“They were disorderly against an orderly ruling party in the place where it matters, fundamentally the province of Buenos Aires, where the Doctor cares most,” he remarked, alluding to Vice President Cristina Kirchner, and continued: “There the opposition came with some problems that It maintains them, because what is also at stake is the government of the province of Buenos Aires ”, anticipated the ‘Turco’.

In this context, he explained that Horacio “Rodríguez Larreta presents him to Diego Santilli, where Facundo Manes also presents himself, who wants to be a candidate for President of the Republic.” However, behind them, “there are also gubernatorial candidates from the same political space that I don’t know if they are very enthusiastic about Santilli making a very big difference over Manes” in the PASO.

Asís emphasized the latter and even gave their names and surnames: “There are three other subjects that nobody takes in the analysis”, which are “Jorge ‘Boga’ Macri (Vicente López), Diego Valenzuela (Tres de Febrero) and Julio Garro , from La Plata ”. “That Santilli does not win by much because if not the boys …”, he warned the candidate for deputy of the PRO.

Added to this, the analyst stressed: “There is a problem here. In the opposition, the exterminating angel Mauricio Macri is now dating Rodríguez Larreta and María Eugenia Vidal, who are still three potential candidates for president ”. “The natural heir is Rodríguez Larreta”, but “in spaces very prone to opposition, they do not treat Rodríguez Larreta or Vidal well.”

“Perhaps, some may think that Macri really expects a kind of outcry in his favor. Rodríguez Larreta plays a lot here, but the Capital has it well, “considered the former diplomat, and regarding Vidal, he anticipated that he has a” big problem. ” “They radicalized an opposition a lot and the offer presented by the opposition has to do with Rodríguez Larreta, who is rather a moderate, a consensual,” Asís closed his detailed analysis.

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