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Jordan Biebs: His family reacts to the horrifying documentation

Jimmy Miller, a cousin of Shiri Biebs who was kidnapped in Gaza along with her children and husband, was interviewed this morning (Thursday) on 103FM, and referred to the difficult documentation that was revealed yesterday from the moments of Jordan Biebs’ abduction. “A shocking morning. We have already seen pictures of Jordan being beaten in the head already in the first days after the start of the war,” he noted.

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He also added: “We got to see this documentation a few days ago, and indeed shocking sights. It seems as if people are taking pictures with Jordan, as if he is some kind of lion in Thailand and everyone approaches him and takes pictures with him to show how ‘heroes’ they are and how ‘strong’ they want to be acceptable”.

video-caption">Hard documentation of the kidnapping of Jordan Biebs (Photo: Arab Networks)

He also said in pain: “In the end, they took someone here who is indeed a hero, strong, father of children and did everything necessary and possible to lead a good and quality lifestyle in the place he was in and they simply kidnapped him from his safest place, took him there and turned him To that lion who takes pictures with him and is proud of the fact that they are all there with weapons and holding his hands and doing all the things they do to him and they are very proud of it.”

He harshly attacked the decision makers: “I am part of this nation and a family member of Shiri, of Jordan, I am ashamed that I may not be able to do enough, that I am not able to lead to something that will speak to those who need to speak and bring them back here, whether it is leaders Here in Israel, and whether it is leaders in the world.

Biebs songs (photo: headquarters of the families of the kidnapped and missing)

I can’t understand how they even manage to get such a scenario in their heads that there are 133 abductees and we don’t really know how many of them are alive and Hamas constantly yawns as soon as we ask them for some number or another and plays with us and throws sand in our eyes, but I’m ashamed.” .

In conclusion, he claimed: “I think Hamas is no longer afraid of us, just not afraid of us anymore. That’s it. He thinks he has the upper hand, he thinks he dictates our day, he plays with us and I don’t think he’s afraid of us anymore. That’s the saddest thing It could be that such an organization that did what it did on October 7 is no longer afraid of us, and that there are other countries that support it.”

As mentioned, last night News 12 published new and particularly difficult documentation of the kidnapping of Jordan Biebs, who is being held captive in Gaza, in addition to his wife and their two children. In the documentation, Gazans are seen beating him severely, causing him to bleed particularly badly.

As mentioned, last night News 12 published new and particularly difficult documentation of the kidnapping of Jordan Biebs, who is being held captive in Gaza, in addition to his wife and their two children. In the documentation, Gazans are seen beating him severely, causing him to bleed particularly badly.

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