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Jia Yueting Critiques Xiaomi SU7: Marketing Prowess Praised, Copycat Culture a Concern

Jia Yueting comments on Xiaomi SU7: Marketing ability deserves praise, copycat culture, shortcut model, etc. are worrying

Kuai Technology reported on April 1 that Xiaomi SU7 was released and Jia Yueting publicly commented.

Jia Yueting said that the first launch of Xiaomi Motors was very successful, reflecting the maturity of China’s new energy vehicle industry chain in recent years and the huge advantages of China’s manufacturing in cost-effectiveness.

He pointed out that Xiaomi’s execution and marketing capabilities in making cars are indeed worthy of praise, but its copycat culture, shortcut model and follower mentality are regarded as the norm by many people, which is worrying.

“Values ​​determine the ceiling. Benchmarking, plagiarism and shallow innovation cannot bring about fundamental technological changes and basic technological transcendence.” Jia Yueting said.

According to Xiaomi’s official data, Xiaomi SU7 caused an enthusiastic response after it was launched. Orders exceeded 10,000 within 4 minutes, orders exceeded 50,000 within an hour, and orders approached 90,000 within 24 hours.

The following is Jia Yueting’s original text:

The first launch of Xiaomi Auto was very successful, reflecting the maturity of China’s new energy vehicle industry chain in recent years and the huge advantages of China’s manufacturing in cost-effectiveness.

Xiaomi’s execution and marketing capabilities in making cars are indeed worthy of praise, but its copycat culture, shortcut model and follower mentality are regarded as the norm by many people, which is worrying.

Values ​​determine the ceiling. Benchmarking, plagiarism and shallow innovation cannot bring about fundamental technological changes and basic technological transcendence.

Only a culture of change becomes mainstream, rather than a copycat culture that remains prevalent;

Only the original spirit is engraved in the bones of entrepreneurs, rather than treating follower thinking as the “bible” of entrepreneurship;

Only great entrepreneurs emerge one after another, rather than just cultivating batches of successful businessmen;

Only leading companies in the technology industry can become pioneers, rather than followers who take shortcuts;

Only by establishing global values ​​can we conquer the global market, rather than just focusing on local market interests;

Only in this way can we truly promote China’s scientific and technological progress and lead the transformation of global industries.

[End of this article]If you need to reprint, please be sure to indicate the source: Kuai Technology

Editor in charge: Snowflake

2024-04-01 07:08:00
#Jia #Yueting #comments #Xiaomi #SU7 #Marketing #ability #deserves #praise #copycat #culture #shortcut #model #worrying

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