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Jean-Luc Mélenchon : “The breaking should be deep “

Your desire to see a “police also disarmed as possible,” has done much to respond this week. Were you referring to an ideal world or is it a denial of reality ? I inspirais of the example of very many countries that do not have armed police in the tasks of accompanying events, traffic… I do not believe that these countries are in denial or the inability of the state police.

The doctrine of employment of the police in France has progressively degenerated in a vision where, instead of ensuring the safety of citizens, it ensures first that of the government.

I note prejudice collective absurd. It speaks to me of Dijon as a demonstration of the fact that the police can’t be disarmed. However, the prefect has decided that 40 armed police officers were not a sufficient force to cope with the situation. For three days, he has abandoned the district Grésilles to the aggression of which he was the subject of part of a band of Chechens. It is normal not to have sent those officers, faced with such a situation that requires other skills, specialized. This is why the GIGN and the Raid exist. Those who are in denial are those who believe that it is enough to distribute weapons to solve problems. This is a simplistic view and rough. My remarks were not understood by a large part of the commentators who do not know neither what is nor what is the police.

Not to mention Dijon, acts of violence, often linked to the ultra-left can occur in the fringes of the demonstrations… I’m always opposite on the tone all the violence. But it is a comfort to controversy: political of me to assign of the methods that I’ve always frowned upon. I would add that the violence that we have to suffer on the part of political organizations in the whole of Europe is that of the extreme right.

You made among others to the Haven in support of the candidate communist in the framework of the campaign for the municipal. This would be an important symbol than that of the defeat of the Prime minister ? Yes. It is the Prime minister. The Haven door, therefore, obviously a particular symbolism. Communists and Untamed had stood against him at length of the year compared to the reversal of the labour Code, and laws, retirement. It is a candidate funny : he announces that he will remain Prime minister even if he is elected, if the President asks him ! He said therefore to the Havrais : “what you decide by your votes do not count for my decision “. Of which act. They will move on.

Jean-Luc Melenchon on Friday with the candidates, communist Jean-Paul Lecoq (center) in front of the Haven on the Prime minister Edouard Philippe. Photo AFP

Just like LREM, it will be difficult for BIA to proclaim victories under its own banner, in light of a weak territorial anchoring. Our distribution on the territory does not seek to make tape-to-eye. But the Dissenters are present in the second round in the list of the leading in Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Grenoble, Amiens, Le Havre and many other cities. But we are modest, respectful of the unitary framework. We, we do not seek to recover the collective work of teams and very diversified as often EELV.

So far, we are challenged by our opponents as the devil present within the lists. I can’t count the cities where I am accused of being the puppet-master of the mind.

Our natural place is to be in the coalitions that form in the face of LREM and the right.

Do you think possible a union of the left in the next presidential ? What is necessary to win, this is not the union, but the clarity, consistency. It is difficult to achieve with political organizations, which did not have the balance of their passage to the government nor of the reasons why the French rejected it. This is the case for EELV and the PS. So much so that an alliance could be seen as a scam politician. It would be counter-productive.

As for 2022, I doubt that a collection of acronyms of political parties that rule the problem ! In truth, some will be seekers of a political break deep, the other, conservative, absolute.

“What is necessary to win, this is not the union, but the clarity, coherence”. Photo AFP

Today, we see the society split again around the racism. This could also be a factor of division within BIA… No, this is not the case !

Do you think now that the international community can threaten the universalism in France ? This puts in danger the universalism, it is the behavior of the president of the Republic who is trying to install, with the support of people like Manuel Valls, the idea that in France the struggle of the “races” would replace the class struggle. By dint of repeating it, it puts people at the foot of the wall to force them to identify with the assignments to which they are subject. I do not understand that one considers that there is a communitarianism positive and some negative.

The communitarianism of the Lira, which is commonplace gives rise to the outbursts that I have been able to stand with my fellow untamed during my participation in the walk in memory of Mireille Knoll without that no one thought to denounce the behaviour sexist, homophobic, xenophobic of those who blasphemed him.

For my part I have never confused the clannish communities. LREM in particular would like to replace the struggle for social equality through a struggle of different ethnic groups or communities. This is not at all my point of view, and BIA is absolutely consistent on this issue. There are no racist among us, no communitarian, not more.

Your grid reading is that of an opposition between the rich in their ” ghetto “, you say, in the face of the poor. Yes, the separateness that we observe is that of the rich who shut themselves up with their own quarters, surveillance systems, their own roads, their own clinics… This phenomenon, the more developed among the Anglo-Saxons, begins in France. It is a general slope of the corporate neo-liberal. The fragmentation is social packed of considerations of the community. But racism is often a prejudice that serves as the pretext for separatism and social.

You are looking continuously to innovate with new digital media. The youth is an audience that you are targeting particularly the areas that is said to be abandoned by the PS ? The digital space is for me a subject of personal interest. In politics, we have a natural vocation to carry our arguments everywhere, and especially in the young generation to pass on our political thinking.

This younger generation displays behaviors very exciting as the manifs climate, gasoline, collectivist, or manifestations of racism. They show France’s solidarity, humanist, and we are here as a fish in the water.

The leader of France insubordinate in September 2018 at Marseille during a march for the climate. Photo AFP
What is strange, is when political parties are eventually to be afraid of everything the world and no longer go anywhere. Why are they in this situation ? Often because they can’t assume what they are or what they have done. The ghosts dragging the chains of their past. It is their problem.

There is much talk of this world, according to. What do you want it to look like in a few words ? The world according to is an invention. The reality is as brutal, violent and irresponsible as the world before. For us, the breaking should be deep in the way we produce and consume. And for the rules of distribution of wealth in the society. The overall goal to achieve is the harmony between humans and with nature.

Interview by Florence Chédotal

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