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It’s time to retire

Ariadna Cîrligeanu, general secretary of the AUR Youth Organization, announced that she is resigning from the party.

“It’s time to retire from GOLD. Sometimes in life God places them too well or you simply meet people who give you a certain direction, people who contribute to your development. I was 14 years old when, more jokingly, more seriously, I established my dream: that in a few years I would form an organization that would fight for the Romanians from Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina. It was a goal that seemed crazy all this time even to the idealist of mine. At the age of 16, I volunteered for Action 2012 because I felt from the first moment that my place was there. What followed, you know, 3 memorable years in which I grew up with some people who became my second family. Although I don’t like politics, I didn’t think about it when I had the opportunity to help form AUR, together with the same dear people with whom I used to fly the tricolor “, writes on Facebook Ariadna Cîrligeanu.

She says that AUR is a project in which she put her soul, sacrifice and she will never regret being part of this party.

“What I’ve learned from George all this time is that no matter how crazy your goal may seem, you fight to the end, and one day, the impossible becomes possible. And here come moments in life when you come to a crossroads and you have to make a decision. I know it seems too early, but the time has come to withdraw from the GOLD and the time has come for a new generation to take over Action 2012. I am retiring from political life to dedicate my time and energy to civic life for Romanians in Bessarabia, from Northern Bukovina, for union, for the ideal of Greater Romania “, explains Ariadna Cârligeanu.

According to partial data announced by the Central Electoral Bureau, AUR won over 8.5% of the vote in the parliamentary elections.

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