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It’s not the Falcon 9 that will hit the moon, Elon Musk can breathe a sigh of relief

Tribunnews Reporter, Namira Yunia Lestanti

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Elon Musk seems to be able to breathe a little easier, after previously circulating rumors that made netizens excited about this rocket Falcon 9 belongs to SpaceX.

Rocket Falcon 9 Previously, it was rumored that it would hit the Moon on March 4, 2022.

Launching from the Space page, these predictions changed after Bill Gray, an astronomer and asteroid tracker, admitted his observations were wrong. In his announcement on Saturday (12/2/2022), Gray stated that currently the Falcon 9 rocket is still in the safe zone.

Also read: NASA Delays Rocket Launch To The Moon, What Causes It?

Meanwhile rocket It is ancient China that is now predicted to threaten the moon, because rocket is in the collision path zone.

Gray is known to have long observed scanning the sky for asteroids that are potentially dangerous and threaten Earth’s security. In his observations in 2015, it was seen that there was a movement of an alien object that was expected to hit the Moon.

Gray got the observations from data belonging to the Catalina Sky Survey taken using a telescope program near Tucson, Arizona.

Initially the object was predicted to be natural garbage from outer space, but after being monitored in detail, Gray and his team confirmed that the object was a man-made object because of its position orbiting the Earth. This object was then named as WE0913A.

With some clues Gray received from emails of employees of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which has been tasked with tracking active space missions. It was finally proven that Falcon 9 passed the Moon two days after the launch of DSCOVR and its trajectory did not lead to near the Moon.

After that, Gray checked the Chang’e 5-TI made in China which was launched in October 2014 using a Long March 3C rocket. From the results of the reconstruction carried out by Gray, it is this Chinese rocket that has proven to be a threat to the Moon.

Also read: Due to Cruise Ship, SpaceX Again Cancels Rocket Launch

“I think we now have a very strong chain of evidence. Looking back, it now makes sense because rocket it ends in an orbit that passes through the moon, right after launch,” he explained.

Although it does not have a significant impact, it is feared that this collision will pollute the moon with living microbes or molecules in the future. So that it can make biological contamination carried rocket Earth on the Moon.

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