Home » today » Health » It’s not magic, it’s not magic, it turns out that gray hair on your head can disappear in 15 minutes, this kitchen spice is the secret! – All Pages

It’s not magic, it’s not magic, it turns out that gray hair on your head can disappear in 15 minutes, this kitchen spice is the secret! – All Pages

GridPop.ID – with it often interferes with the appearance of some people. Especially those who have entered old age.

Unplug OTHERS is often an option even though they know the risk of hair becoming thin and falling out.

But now you don’t have to worry because with herbs this one OTHERS in the head can disappear within 15 minutes.

Also Read: He’s already stepped on his 3rd head, Marshanda shows off the gray hair on his head until there’s a flood of comments, Netizens: Her beauty never fades!

Launching from Kompas.com, plucking gray hair can actually risk damaging the natural texture of the hair strands, you know.

In fact, plucking gray hair only temporarily removes white hair because the follicles or small pockets that contain hair under the skin are still alive and will grow back with the same kind of gray hair that has just been removed.

Then when the natural texture of the hair is damaged, new hair growth can be more tangled than the rest of the hair that is not pulled out.

In addition, plucking gray hair is prone to damage the hair roots which can lead to permanent hair loss.

Therefore, you can follow the tips to get rid of gray hair on the head as reported by GridPop.ID from Nakita.ID below.

Greetings leaves

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Bay leaf illustration. This is how to get rid of cockroaches from the house using only 3 natural ingredients that we can easily get.

The secret to getting rid of gray hair in 15 minutes turns out to be in the bay leaf.

Also Read: No need to remove it, this is an effective way to get rid of gray hair without making hair fall out, it turns out that you only need a mixture of this type of vegetables and coconut oil!

Because the bay leaf itself can be a natural dye for hair.

The use of bay leaves alone makes the hair color darker like brown you know.

That way, the gray in the hair can be disguised and not visible or even disappear.

That way you can appear more confident again.

Here’s an easy way to get rid of gray hair with bay leaves:

Moms only need to apply bay leaf soaking water to your hair for 15-20 minutes.

Do it regularly for maximum results.

Also Read: No Need for Hair Polishing, Powerful Tea Concoction Removes Gray Hair to the Roots, Here’s How!

Besides making OTHERS lost, later Moms hair can also look shiny because of its natural color.



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