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It is exhausting to always have to like


After the controversy generated by the cover of the magazine Caras de Argentina that focused on the physical aspect of the teenage daughter of Queen Máxima of the Netherlands, personalities from the show, sports and medicine publicly spoke about the trials and evaluations that they tend to be done on the body of others and they categorically rejected this behavior. Among them, Catherine Fulop.

Recently and through her Instagram account, the actress and host made reference to the subject with suggestions to her readers not to judge or catalog the body of another person.

“I always talk to them about health, well-being, I have a positive attitude towards life. I was blonde, brunette, short, long hair, thin, robust, happy and depressed. In life we ​​go through all seasons. That is why I want my message to multiply and understand that we should never speak of anyone’s body, each of us inhabits a body but we are, we feel, we do and that must go above the container, “said the actress.

The message also came after her daughter Oriana Sabatini He told through a publication on social networks that he had suffered from eating disorders throughout his adolescence and youth.

With experience in his most intimate circle, Fulop urged his readers to abandon the old conceptions about the image because they can be very harmful in the representation that each one makes of his body.

Furthermore, Fulop’s publication emphasizes the aesthetic demands on public figures and the repeated attacks they receive for their appearance. “It is exhausting as a public figure to always have to like and pay attention to the ignorant and destructive criticisms that we often receive. Never compare yourself, work on your evolution, on your progress, ”advised the host.

Fulop then invited his followers to opt for healthier behavior, without value judgments and consideration for the other, to advance towards a less prejudiced society.

“That these obstacles that arise do not stop us in our constant evolution. Let us go forward lovingly, without judgment, take cruelty aside and do not speak without really knowing. When the sizes are no longer magazine cover. We will have managed to build a better society ”, she wrote in her profile referring to the recent cover.

In another section of the post, Fulop stresses the importance of affections and experiences with those links that provide a share of well-being. “Healthy goes beyond one size, or eating vegetables. It has to do with a lifestyle, thinking, choosing and enjoying. Healthy are also the links you choose: to be able to eat a pizza with friends and have a glass of wine with my beautiful husband, “said Fulop.

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