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Isabella Camil, Wife of Sergio Mayer, Reveals Secrets to a Stable Relationship

One might think that she is the wife of such a controversial character Sergio Mayer It is a great challenge, however, Isabella Camil She managed to maintain a stable relationship with the actor for more than 14 years. When she was asked by TVyNovelas about how difficult it was for her to be the businessman’s wife, this is what she answered:

“I’m trying to find an adjective that covers everything I’m thinking, all the images that go through my mind… but it’s a pleasure to be your wife, I love it, we are a couple who work as a team Very well. Like everything in life, it has its colors (our relationship) and there are times where it’s complicated … live those who want to live and that’s looking at it very good for me, he is an example for everyone at home. “I have learned many things from Sergio and I feel that he has learned many things from me as well,” he said in a conversation with our media.

Although everything is going well in her marriage, the actress admitted that everything was never rosy: “Of course, we have differences, yes , a lot, but what I feel holds us together is just those values, that weight we give to the most important thing in life… “Today I believe that we are a couple who put together, that we know, in the difficult moments of our relationship, in our communication, how to build that bridge that will bring us back to each other.”he assured.

Although she admits that she and Mayer are very different, they have learned to understand each other: “Yes, we are very different, but we also have things in common, we have values and we have similar ethics, we are very clear, honest. people, we are enthusiastic and we like the family project, these things unite you; Obviously, there are other things which, although they may seem less important, are also important, such as the fact that we don’t like to go out, we don’t like to smoke, we love animals…and these things are like a part of the body and you recognize them.”

Regarding the fact that showing yourself in a reality show, as Mayer did in The House of the Famous Mexico, affects the couple’s relationship, the model also answered without hesitation: “Yes, I remember going into the set and the producers asking me: Isabel, are you ready? And I said to them: ‘but if I don’t go into the House’, and they told me that I didn’t know what was coming, that my life would never be the same as it was after the reality show..

And so it was: “Life changed, there was a lot of learning, a lot of family work…”, Issabela told us about this stage she spent with the actor. However, he also pointed out that it was favorable to the public for both of them.

“It was a great window for people to get to know Sergio as he is: a leader, sympathetic, but at the same time tough; enthusiastic, sensitive, strategic, many things… there is no way in that place you can keep a face that is not yours. And he strengthened us as a family and with the public who were a little separated from us, perhaps distracted by so many tricks that come out suddenly… It was a special house. there and I’m not just saying it, everyone was really happy with what Team Hell did,” he concluded.

2024-05-11 16:31:49
#Issabela #Camil #admits #marriage #Sergio #Mayer #changed #Casa #los #Famosos #reasons

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