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Is osteoporosis hereditary? Be careful with these people! Weighted Aerobic Exercise Helps Improve Bone Density | Famous experts | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Text / Health Energy News Network

After the age of 50, many people have to beware of “osteoporosis”! Besides elderly and menopausal women are high risk groups, if parents have had osteoporotic fractures, it can increase the risk of their children suffering from osteoporosis. Since the symptoms of osteoporosis are not obvious, accidental falls can cause fractures. Dietitian Chen Yuting suggested that everyone should start “saving bones” from a young age and getting enough balanced nutrients like calcium, vitamin D3 and protein.

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according to“Health Energy News Network”It has been reported that the outer layer of the human skeletal structure is a hard cortical bone and the inside is a soft cancellous bone, which is also a storehouse for calcium storage. Activity decreases, muscle strength decreases, bone mass gradually decreases, the bone density decreases and the cancellous bone also shows the phenomenon of cavity and looseness, which is osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis is a silent disease and most of them have no obvious symptoms.However, if you look at the elderly around you if you have a short stature, hump, back pain, etc., it could be a sign of osteoporosis. Fractures are the greatest enemy of osteoporosis: People who have suffered a bone fracture are twice as likely to suffer a second fracture than those who have never suffered a fracture.

However, aging is the main cause of osteoporosis. It is common in women over the age of 70 and men over the age of 80. Women are about twice as many as men; second, girls stop secreting estrogen after menopause, causing hormonal changes and bone rapidity. Decreased bone density can also cause varying degrees of osteoporosis; Regular consumption of caffeinated coffee, cola, unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption, long-term use of steroids, etc., will accelerate bone loss and make bone deterioration and weak bones.

How to save the bones?

1. Is a diet rich in calcium beneficial for bone health?

Dietitian Chen Youting pointed out that taking calcium, vitamin D3, the mineral magnesium and protein is helpful in improving bone strength. Dairy products, dried fish, soy products, black sesame and dried fish and dark green vegetables are rich in calcium. In addition to ingesting a sufficient amount of calcium, if you want to improve the absorption rate of calcium, it is recommended to add vitamin D to increase the calcium content absorbed by the intestine. egg yolks, and nutritional health products D.

2. Does exercise help improve bone density?

Weight-bearing aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, walking up and down stairs, striding, dancing, or playing tennis can help improve bone density. Swimming, like cycling, has little effect on improving bone density because it floats on water.

Studies have found that continuous exercise for more than six months will have a positive impact on bone mass, but as long as you stop exercising for a period of time, bone density will gradually decrease, returning to the state before exercise, you should maintain habits. of regular exercise.

3. Can the UCI cure osteoporosis?

UC2 / UC-II is short for type 2 undenatured collagen. Like many well-known bone health products, the main ingredients are glucosamine and chondroitin, which can only treat or relieve the symptoms of osteoarthritis. has a great effect on the treatment of osteoporosis.

More information on UC-II: https://dradvice.cc/MsyBw

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