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Is Kolang-kaling Important for Health? Let’s Listen!

BeritaMu.co.id – Who likes fro? Usually, kolang-kaling can be found in iced fruit drinks or other fresh drinks, yes. And it can also be sold separately in the market. But it turns out that’s not all, this fro has many benefits for the health of the body!

Kolang-kaling comes from the seeds of the palm plant, in Latin Arenga pinnata and usually this fruit is found in Southeast Asia such as Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines and others. This fro is transparent white, oval and also has a chewy texture. Its refreshing taste is usually widely used for fruit soup.

To get the seeds of kolang-kaling, it takes a long process. The half-ripe palm fruit is burned until the flesh feels charred and the sap that sticks to the skin surface is gone.

Then boiled for 1-2 hours, and peeled one by one when it has cooled to take the seeds and flatten by pounding. Then soak it in lime water for a few days until it looks clear and ready to be processed into food.

Contents Kolang-kaling

Known as a fruit with a fairly high water content, which is up to 93%. In addition, kolang-kaling seeds also contain other ingredients such as 0.69 grams of protein and 4 grams of carbohydrates. Not only that, kolang-kaling also contains iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and gelatin. The soft texture and refreshing taste make the kolang-kaling seeds easy to consume so that they provide a lot of good nutritional content for body health. Other content is mineral content such as protasium, iron, and calcium can also launch the body’s metabolic processes.

Benefits of Kolang-kaling for Health

Not only is it supple, soft and tastes refreshing, you can get other benefits of kolang-kaling for body health to fertility. Well, behind its freshness, here are some of the benefits of kolang kaling for health that you should know:

1. Help lose weight

For those of you who are on a diet or losing weight, you can eat this fresh fro. Kolang-kaling can help you lose weight because in addition to containing carbohydrates that serve as a source of energy for the body, it also contains gelatin which can suppress excessive appetite. But for maximum results, you have to consume fro without anything added (syrup or sugar).

2. Smoothen the digestive system

Another benefit is to launch your digestive system. The content of fro, one of which is 1.6 grams of crude fiber in 100 grams of fro. Of course, this type of fiber will support the movement of the digestive system and increase feces so that insoluble fiber in water will help those of you who are experiencing constipation, so that bowel movements will be smooth.

3. Prevents bone loss

You can consume fro because it contains calcium and phosphorus which are good for bone health and strength. Although the levels are not too high, the calcium in kolang kaling can also be beneficial for the body.

4. Prevent anemia

The iron content in fro can overcome anemia in a person’s body. Keep in mind that the iron content in fro is a component of hemoglobin which is useful for supplying oxygen to all body tissues through blood circulation. Well, if iron is sufficient, it can prevent anemia.

Benefits of Kolang-kaling for Beauty

1. Prevent premature aging

The content of galactomannan compounds or a type of polysaccharide sugar in fro is also believed to have anti-aging properties. This galactomannan compound can inhibit tyrosinase more than 50%. Tyrosinase is a compound involved with the synthesis of melanin, which gives skin its color.

Melain is also responsible for one of the causes of the appearance of dark spots on the face, so the ability of galactomannan to inhibit tyrosinase is a positive signal to prevent dark spots on the face. In addition, galactomannan can also fight free radicals that cause premature aging.

2. Rejuvenate skin

In addition to health, kolang-kaling seeds are also useful for rejuvenating the skin because they contain collagen and vitamins. This content will certainly make the skin look younger.

Well, there are many benefits of fro and of course there is no harm in consuming it for the health of your body. But remember, don’t overconsume and choose fresh and free fro seeds that can harm your body!

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