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Is it true that drinking water can lose weight? Listen to the explanation

TRIBUNSOLO.COM – Having the ideal weight is everyone’s hope.

One way that can be done is by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

So that you can lose a lot of weight, exercise regularly, maintain a healthy diet, and sleep at least six hours every night.

Many people think that drinking water can lose weight.

Could this assumption be true?

The main benefit of drinking water is to maintain body hydration so that a person does not lack fluids.

Reporting from EatThis, a study published in the Annals of Family Medicine says drinking water has the potential to help you lose weight.

According to experts, drinking water can help you lose weight because someone who drinks water tends not to consume high-calorie drinks such as sweet drinks.

Besides being able to help you lose weight by controlling the desire to drink high-calorie drinks, drinking water can also reduce the desire to eat excessively.

Launching Men’s Health, drinking water regularly according to the body’s needs can prevent unhealthy eating and snacking.

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