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Iranian Lawmaker Declares Tehran Obtained Nuclear Bombs, Alarming Nuclear Watchdog

Iranian Lawmaker Claims Tehran Possesses Nuclear Weapons

Iranian Lawmaker Claims Tehran Possesses Nuclear Weapons

Iran violates the JCPOA framework by acquiring atomic bombs

Following a warning by the head of the United Nations atomic watchdog agency on Iran’s possession of enough uranium to produce “several” nuclear bombs, an Iranian lawmaker, Ahmad Bakhshayesh Ardestani, has declared that Iran currently possesses atomic weapons, despite not publicly acknowledging it. Ardestani’s statement was made to Iran International, an independent news organization in London. He further stated that Iran’s compatibility with the US and Israel necessitates the possession of nuclear weapons, although it is not officially declared, as it conflicts with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the Iran nuclear deal abandoned by the US in 2018.

Experts question the credibility of Ardestani’s claim

Experts are cautious about the credibility of Ardestani’s claim, pointing out that he is a member of parliament without direct involvement in Iran’s nuclear decision-making. Jason Brodsky, the policy director of United Against a Nuclear Iran, urges caution when weighing Ardestani’s comments due to his limited access and standing within the regime. The comments made by Ardestani are part of an increasingly louder chorus of threats, with Iranian officials and lawmakers warning of a potential change in Iran’s nuclear doctrine, even though Iran’s nuclear program is not on a stable or declared weaponization path.

Concerns about Iran’s illicit nuclear program

Observers are deeply concerned about Iran’s illicit nuclear program. A German intelligence report highlights Iran’s intensive efforts to procure nuclear and missile technologies, bypassing existing sanctions. The international community remains determined to prevent Iran from weaponizing its nuclear program. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has been working diligently to prevent nuclear weaponization in Iran, according to Rafael Grossi, the agency’s chief. The US reaffirms its commitment to block Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, leaving all options on the table to achieve this goal.

The need for vigilance and the risks involved

While there are doubts about Iran’s current possession of nuclear weapons, the potential for a nuclear-armed Iran remains a significant concern. Past experiences, such as the unexpected advancements of other nations’ nuclear programs, illustrate the need for vigilance. Potential proliferators like North Korea have engaged with Iran, further raising concerns. The consequences of Iran acquiring nuclear weapons would be catastrophic for the region, Israel’s security, and US global influence. The window of time to prevent this remains, though it is swiftly closing.


The Iranian lawmaker’s claim about Iran possessing nuclear weapons raises significant concerns about the country’s adherence to international agreements and the potential destabilization of the region. The need for the global community to address Iran’s illicit nuclear program with utmost vigilance is of utmost importance.

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