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iPhone 14 Price Drop: Comparing iPhone Value and Android Phones


iPhone including cellphones whose prices are durable and rarely drop drastically compared to Android cellphones. However the price iPhone 14 a year after launch seemed to break that belief.

According to SimpleGhar’s research results, the iPhone 14 is the iPhone variant whose value has fallen the most in a year. These statistics were found by summarizing more than 1,000 used tech products on Amazon UK and US, and comparing them to new prices.

From the results of this research, SimpleGhar found that the price of the iPhone 14 fell 24.69% compared to its new price. By comparison, the price of the iPhone 13 is down 16.62% from its new price, and the iPhone 12 is down 10%.

Meanwhile, the iPhone 14 Pro Max lost 20.16% of its original price, followed by the iPhone 14 Plus (-18.84%) and iPhone 14 Pro (-16.83%), as quoted from BGR, Saturday (7/10 /2023).

One reason is price iPhone 14 The significant drop is due to its similarities to the iPhone 13, starting from the design, camera and A15 Bionic chip. Because of this, most users choose to stay with the iPhone 13 rather than upgrading to the iPhone 14.

But the price reduction for the iPhone 14 is not as drastic as Android phones. For example, the price of the Samsung Galaxy S22 fell 40% in one year, and is the cellphone with the biggest price drop.

Not only the Galaxy S22, other Samsung cellphones such as the Galaxy S21+, Galaxy A53, and Galaxy A13 are also products whose value has dropped significantly since their release. SimpleGhar assumes this decline is caused by Samsung releasing many phones in a year.

OnePlus cellphones also average their prices down 21.82% per year, higher than other brands. Product Apple Others such as the Apple Watch Series 6 and Series 7 have also dropped in price by around 21%.

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2023-10-06 23:15:27
#price #iPhone #dropped #drastically #year #whats #wrong

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