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Introducing ZUS Holidays for Entrepreneurs: Demands, Opinions, and Implications

The Civic Coalition and the Third Way parties included in their demands a temporary waiver for entrepreneurs from paying ZUS contributions. If a coalition takes power, there is a high chance that the plan will be implemented. Social security specialists pointed out in an interview with “Rzeczpospolita” what the future government should pay attention to when introducing contribution holidays.

The promise to introduce so-called ZUS holidays was included in the program of most parties that could form the future government. The Civic Coalition talked in its “100 specifics” about plans to create “leave for entrepreneurs”, which would guarantee people running a business a month free from contributions and a holiday benefit in the amount of half the minimum wage. A plan to allow entrepreneurs to temporarily waive paying ZUS contributions in the event of financial problems was also presented by parties from the Third Way – the Polish People’s Party and Polska 2050.

Watch the video Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz: We did not promise voluntary ZUS to all interested parties

The opposition promised to introduce holidays from ZUS. What do entrepreneurs say about this?

The program demands of the coalition parties were discussed by us in an earlier article. However, since the elections, no new details have emerged from the leaders of these political groups. In recent days, journalists “Rzeczpospolita” asked entrepreneurs and insurance specialists for their opinion on holidays from ZUS.

– Many voices indicate that entrepreneurs expect the introduction of preferences in terms of compulsory social security contributions. Therefore, the answer to such a postulate may be the so-called leave for entrepreneurs, which is essentially supposed to mean not having to pay ZUS (Social Insurance Institution) fees – said Dr. Marcin Wojewódka from the Employers of Poland organization to journalists. It is worth noting, however, that the coalition parties’ proposal does not assume total preferential treatment, but only allows for a temporary waiver of paying contributions.

Economists: Leave for entrepreneurs should cover people with financial problems

Dr. Wojciech Nagel, an expert of the Business Center Club on social insurance, and Łukasz Kozłowski from the Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs point out that only entrepreneurs requiring support should be allowed to temporarily waive the payment of contributions. Dr. Nagel points to the long-term deficit of the Social Insurance Fund, which ranges from PLN 50 to 60 billion, as the reason for such a limitation. Kozłowski notes, however, that contributions during the “holiday” period should be recorded in the entrepreneur’s ZUS account to maintain insurance continuity. According to the economist, the contributions of entrepreneurs taking leave could be covered from the state budget. Especially when you take into account the Social Insurance Fund deficit.

The monthly amount of social security contributions paid by entrepreneurs is currently PLN 1,418.48 per month. This value does not include health insurance premiums. The increase in the average salary may also mean that the amount paid to ZUS by people running their own business will increase to over PLN 1,600 per month from 2024.

2023-11-02 21:00:00
#Holidays #ZUS #entrepreneurs #problems #Economists #comment #coalition #idea

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