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interview with the writers of the second season

Doc 2 will do. The second season of the medical tv series with Luca Argentero has already been confirmed. Fanpage.it he talked about it with the writers Viola Rispoli e Francesco Arlanch. It is from the work of these two professionals that the perfect fusion of all the elements of the fiction record of ratings: the pressing action in the hospital wards, characters able to excite and make people think, clinical cases solved as if they were yellow. Both admitted that they did not expect to get such feedback, although they did “put the heart“Then they unveiled some advances on the second season. There will be a new character who will cross the path of Andrea Fanti and a new challenge for Doc. We will also talk about Covid. Furthermore, Viola Rispoli and Francesco Arlanch have made it known that the Doc 2 series will consist of 16 episodes and they revealed when the second season airs: the new episodes should arrive on TV between the autumn of 2021 and, at the latest, the beginning of 2022.

How Did Doc’s Adventure Begin – In Your Hands?

FA: Rai wanted a medical that could last for many seasons, therefore with a replicable conflict system. Our work has developed over two years. Viola and I spent several days at the Gemelli Polyclinic, disguised as doctors, to see how an Internal Medicine department works. We have heard how doctors talk to each other, how they address patients and the dynamics that are triggered between doctor and patient. In the series, in fact, Andrea Fanti manages to solve the clinical case not only through objective clues such as symptoms, but by deepening the patient’s personal history, his secrets, his repressed memories.

How did you create stories from scratch like those of postgraduates?

FA: What emerged from Pierdante Piccioni’s story was the idea of ​​the doctor becoming a patient. So the doctor who has a disease, a trauma to deal with. To build the characters we started from a discomfort, a trauma. For each of them we asked ourselves: what is it hiding? What is his wound? We hypothesized several and chose the ones that seemed most promising to us. Elisa and the relationship with her sister who is actually her mother. Gabriel and his painful past. Alba and her mother. Riccardo and the secret of the prosthesis.

VR: Once the trainees were defined, we made sure that each one had a different relationship with Andrea Fanti. The intent was to get the feeling that this could become a family of which Doc is in a sense a mentor father.

I know you’re already busy writing Season 2. At what point are you?

VR: We have an idea on the whole of the second season. We know where each of the characters begins and where it ends. We know both the stories of the individual and the department. Now we will begin developing the medical cases of each episode.

In the new episodes, Covid will also be discussed.

FA: It is a medical series set in Milan in the contemporary world. By ignoring it, we would not have been respectful of the doctors, which this series somehow celebrates. So surely Covid will be part of the second season. But Doc was loved because he offered a non-desperate point of view on the experience of the disease, without however denying the pain. Here, in the second season we will talk about Covid with a key of hope, of relaunch. It will be a new, great wound for all doctors and for the whole department. But like any wound, it will be a place to start over. Covid will be there, but Doc will not become a Covid series.

Can you give us some anticipation on what will happen to Andrea Fanti in Doc 2?

VR: There will be a big challenge for Doc in the second season. He will have to deal with the fact that he was a primary and decide whether to try to regain that role. Reflect a littlethe true story of Pierdante Piccioni that after two years of battles and torments, he finally managed to get back his position as primary. Let’s see if Andrea Fanti will also take up and win this challenge.

FA: I can add that in the second season there will be a moment in which Andrea Fanti will be away from the department.

And from a sentimental point of view instead?

FA: Andrea will certainly continue to be an object of desire (laughs, ed). He will remain an all-round romantic hero. Also in the second season, therefore, there will be sentimental nuances.

Will there be any news in the cast of the new season?

FA: There will be the entry of a new character in particular. A doctor, a luminary of medicine who enters the ward and who will have a conflictual relationship with Doc. We will deepen the issue of the conflict between an empathic relationship with the patient and a medicine that instead prefers to start from a point of greater detachment.

When will you be back on set?

FA: Filming should start in March or spring 2021.

When will Doc 2 air?

FA: The broadcast should take place in the fall. We need to understand if the new episodes will be broadcast at the end of 2021 or the beginning of 2022. These are arguments that depend on many factors.

VR: Yes, these are decisions that go beyond our will, but in that time frame we will certainly be back on TV.

Will the second season always consist of 16 episodes?

VR: Yes, yes. Again this will be 16 episodes.

I guess it’s premature at the moment to ask if they will air two episodes at a time as they initially did or just one episode a week.

FA: It’s out of our control. We also ask ourselves. We are not against this a priori, but knowing it would help to structure the episodes and insert the cliffhangers. We do not know if that of Doc was an exception or if we are talking about a new style of broadcasting by Rai.

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