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International Mother’s Day is being celebrated today across the world including Pakistan

Web Desk: International Mother’s Day is being celebrated all over the world, including Pakistan, every year there is no single day reserved for celebrating International Mother’s Day in different countries.
According to the details, International Mother’s Day was celebrated for the first time in a state of America in 1911, this day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May in different countries including Pakistan and Italy.
Thus, every day is mother’s day, but especially the main purpose of celebrating this day is to pay tribute to the greatness of mother.
Every mother is admirable, but there are some mothers who accept difficulties as a challenge and not only take the responsibility of the house for the best education and training of their children, but work alongside the children’s father.
Despite all the opposition and challenges, a mother is always ready to face difficulties to give the best life to her children, mother’s heart beats for children, being with children is the first priority but professional responsibilities for their better future. They are also doing well.
Even if every relationship in the world leaves a person’s side, a mother does not stop worrying about her children until the last moment. This is the only human relationship that is completely selfless.
It is an irony of the times that old homes were built in Pakistan and now they are filling up, all the suffering mothers are going through the hardships in old homes to raise their children.

#International #Mothers #Day #celebrated #today #world #including #Pakistan
– 2024-05-13 12:07:28

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