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Intermittent fasting: the resolution to live longer?

Scientists in the United States have studied several studies in humans and animals to determine the effectiveness of a fast to lose weight and increase life expectancy. So does it really work?

Researchers at the American Johns Hopkins University analyzed the health benefits of intermittent fasting, also called fasting. As a reminder, this practice consists of eating in a period of time between 6h and 8h, then depriving yourself of food during the 16 or 18 hours after taking the last meal. Another method is to fast for two days in a row and eat normally the rest of the week.

To draw their conclusions, scientists have sifted through several studies in humans and animals on the issue. The conclusions about intermittent fasting vary depending on the effectiveness of the diet. But according to their observation, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, intermittent fasting has repeatedly shown benefits in helping to lose weight, but also for lower your blood pressure. Some studies have also linked this practice to longer life expectancy, improved cardiovascular health and improved cognitive skills.

Potential treatment for type 2 diabetes

In 2018, research on a small sample reported the case of three patients with diabetes type 2, who may have stopped taking insulin after losing weight through intermittent fasting. A year later, a study found that older adults who were on a restricted calorie diet had better verbal memory compared to the other two groups who did not fast.

If the results of this meta-analysis are rather encouraging, for the experts, other studies must be carried out to confirm them and to assert with certainty the benefit / risk balance of this type of feeding. “Thehe long-term effects of intermittent fasting require more research that is not yet available, and the studies that do exist are limited. Clinical trials have focused on overweight young adults and middle-aged adults, so the benefits and safety cannot be generalized to other groupss “, they conclude.

Listen to your body

Obviously, this type of diet is not suitable for pregnant women, people taking certain medications, suffering from eating disorders … Furthermore, fasting must remain occasional at the risk of causing deleterious health effects.

The main thing is to listen to your body so as not to get exhausted. In any case, seek the advice of a specialist or doctor before taking the plunge.

With AFP / Relaxnews

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