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Inter and Simone Inzaghi: Together until 2025

“Inter and Simone Inzaghi together until 2025”. The nerazzurri announce the renewal of his contract using a term so dear to the coach: Together. Cited as a mantra by Inzaghi on the eve of the most delicate matches last season, when the bench was played.
“Together” is the watchword that guides the whole group: players, coach and managers.
Called to compact (despite a not entirely reassuring property) also and above all in difficult moments, which sooner or later inevitably arrive during the course of a vintage.

Inter, now it’s OFFICIAL: Inzaghi has renewed, the details

KOSTIC AND DYBALA – In times of “crisis” we must avoid falling back into the sins committed in the past, when the various components of the club indirectly accused each other of errors of assessment. Just think of some alleged ones market background, told in hindsight. For example, after the defeat in Udine it was said that Inter had Kostic in hand (later moved to Juve), but Inzaghi preferred to sign Gosens immediately from Atalanta. Also last year, following the home defeat against Roma, it was said that, after bringing Lukaku back to Milan, Zhang had also approved the signing of Dybala on a free transfer from Juve, but Inzaghi stopped Correa’s departureneeded to make room for it.

ONANA AND MILINKOVIC – Admitted and not granted that they are more or less truthful reconstructions, the point is another: reproaching is always and in any case wrong. Otherwise Inzaghi could also do the same, given that in the top transfer market after the Champions League final loss in Istanbul against Manchester City he had set two priorities: keep Onana and sign Milinkovic-Savic from Lazio, instead the Cameroonian goalkeeper was sold to Manchester United in England and the Serbian midfielder went to Al-Hilal in Saudi Arabia. Inzaghi will never let anyone weigh it: this is one of the many advantages that convinced the club to reward him with a contract renewal. More deserved than ever.

2023-09-05 21:30:00
#Inzaghi #Inter #ahead #precedents #avoid #wrong #Dybala #Milinkovic

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