Home » today » Business » Instead of 1000, only 400 people admitted: Coronademo organizers announce complaints Schwyz

Instead of 1000, only 400 people admitted: Coronademo organizers announce complaints Schwyz

Andreas Knobel

If that works out? On Saturday, January 9th, the «Action Alliance for Urkantons for a Sensible Corona Policy» invites you to another rally with a star march. This time the controversial event takes place on the main square in Schwyz, with live broadcasts to Altdorf, Stans and Sarnen.

One remembers well: On November 21st the first event of this kind took place in Lachen am See. The responses ranged from horror to enthusiasm. Around 1,000 people came, mask requirements and keeping a distance were hardly observed, but the police did not intervene. However, complaints followed against the speakers – including SVP National Councilor Pirmin Schwander and satirist Andreas Thiel – because they did not wear a face mask at the lectern.

400 people maximum

In Schwyz, however, a rougher wind will blow against the demonstrators. The authorities quickly made it clear that it was important to “prevent a second laugh by all means”. The security department’s decision on approval therefore also comprises a full seven pages. The action alliance has already announced a complaint against the “completely excessive permit requirements” and criticizes the “violation of applicable law”. The organizers are primarily bothered by the restriction to only 400 people who are allowed to be on the Schwyz main square, although it could easily accommodate 1000 people. It is obvious that the organizers are to be worn down.

The organizers are also annoyed that it is mandatory to wear a mask even for speakers during the speech. Expressiveness and facial expressions are severely restricted as a result. You actually hit a sore point with this line of reasoning. Because National Councilor Schwander, for example, did nothing else in laughter than is customary in the National Council: he steps up to the lectern wearing a mask, removes it, speaks, puts it on again and goes off the stage.

The action alliance for the original cantons has issued legal advice from the Federal Office of Public Health (BAG), according to which a speaker does not have to wear a mask when speaking from a podium at political rallies. This legal information – which lawyer Oswald Rohner demanded as an avowed corona skeptic – was given to the Schwyz authorities, but was not taken into account.

Pirmin Schwander stated that this was unconstitutional. The aim is to silence critical spirits. Schwander: “It is a scandal and a shame that a Schwyz government councilor wants to make a name for himself as an agitator to restrict freedom of expression.” He is targeting a fellow SVP party, namely Security Director Herbert Huwiler (see box).

However, the alliance of the original cantons is not going on a total confrontation course. It feels compelled to adhere to the official requirements. And there are still a lot of them. The biggest challenge, however, is likely to be to enforce the strict obligation to wear a mask and compliance with the distance rules. This duty is not incumbent on the police, but on the organizers.

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