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Instagram wants us to stay glued to our phone with their suggestions

Social media Instagram kicks off an endless stream of posts for the accounts through suggestions. Enough to encourage us to spend more time on the application through recommendations for publications and accounts linked to our interests.

Facebook wants to broaden the horizons of Instagram users and also make some money in the process with a new feature in Instagram accounts.

Indeed, if we consult an Instagram account of a particular person and that we have finished seeing all their most recent publications, Instagram will offer us other related publications.

Instagram tells us when we’ve seen an account’s most recent posts and suggests new ones. Image Credit: Instagram.

Discover new accounts according to our interests

When scrolling through someone’s Instagram posts, the social network will now tell us that we are up to date. That we have seen all of the person’s most recent publications.

We have two choices: view older posts or view other accounts with similar interests.

For example, if you look at an Instagram account of someone who deals with fashion, many recommendations for publications and fashion-related accounts will be displayed.

This allows us to discover new related accounts, but also to sell more ads for Instagram and Facebook.

However, it is possible to hide the content of these recommendations by pressing the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.

This new feature tends to mimic Tik Tok which also allows this kind of continuous flow.

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