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Instagram Launches Security Checking Feature For Hacked Users

JAKARTA – Every day, there are more cases of hacking of Instagram accounts. Now, this digital crime is not only experienced by the general public. Haven’t you also read the news where influencer or celebrity IG accounts were hacked?

Yes, digital crime is real and it exists. And this evil is always haunting users, especially when you neglect to share your keywords on other platforms.

Fortunately, your worries will now be less. In response to user concerns, Instagram introduced a security check feature yesterday, Tuesday, July 13. This feature is intended for accounts that have been previously attacked or even hacked.

Later, for those of you who have updated the app, you will see a new notification screen containing a request to start a security check. This message will appear when you open the application for the first time after the update.

In addition, through this function, users will be guided through the security measures that have been prepared by the company. This includes confirming other accounts that share login information, as well as updating recovery contact information.

Not only that. The mammoth social media platform also plans to add support for two-factor authentication through WhatsApp. Become an additional feature to the existing authentication feature.

Citing information on the official blog, the addition of this security feature was made in response to the increase in the number of accounts claiming to be Instagram. These accounts send messages to other users via DM (Direct Message) and ask users to share their passwords.

In fact, according to Instagram, the company only sends official notifications by email. In addition, users can also directly check the authenticity of the received email through the ‘Email from Instagram’ menu located in the settings.

Report a suspicious account

It is not just technology that is evolving. Hacking techniques and methods are also constantly being developed by digital criminals.

Therefore, Instagram is also developing its security features. Now, users can also directly report suspicious content or accounts. Especially accounts that have the potential to be hackers.

The method is quite easy. For suspicious uploads, users just need to tap on the three dot icon located at the top of the upload. Furthermore, you can also report directly through suspicious account profiles.

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