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“INSET Q1 2023 Results Show Strong Revenue Growth and New Business Expansion”

Mr. Sakbowon Pukkanasut Managing Director Infraset Public Company Limited or INSET Revealed that the company’s operating results for the 1st quarter of 2023 ended March 31, 2023 had total revenues of 452.80 million baht, an increase of 200.47 million baht or 79.45% compared to the same period last year. with a total income of 252.33 million baht and a net profit of 24.31 million baht, emphasizing the company’s return to a new growth mode. from increased backlog and the opportunity to win new jobs from participating in public auctions And the private sector has continued to support this year’s work to reach the target of not less than 10%.

As for the supporting factors that increased revenue and profit in the first quarter of 2023, it came from the delivery of telecommunications network support (5G), infrastructure work. Related to Data Center, conduit work and recurring income from data center maintenance business, fiber optic cable network and new business The company’s new Trading Telecom & Hardware IT Equipment with increased product sales. Help support the company’s income to grow. and an increase in income almost doubled as such This signals the trend and direction of the company that is growing and improving continuously.

As for the business outlook for the year 2023, we are confident that it will continue to grow. It is expected that there will be data center work and telecommunication infrastructure work (5G work) to accelerate the expansion of the project significantly. From the increasing demand for Cloud and the private sector operators themselves Want to invest in expanding the Data Center in line with the doubled data volume At present, there is a backlog of more than 1,870 million baht and there are projects that recognize recurring income for 3-5 years, worth more than 770 million baht, which will support and strengthen the company in the long run.

Managing Director of INSET said that at present, the company participated in the bidding for many new projects with a total value of not less than 2,000 million baht, and the auction results are expected to be gradually announced within the first half of the year From accelerating the expansion of entrepreneurs in the Data Center and Cloud business, at the same time, this year’s business plan, the company continues to submit bids for new works. which is expected to receive work not less than 50% of the value of the work open for bidding Including the company has expanded 2 new businesses, namely 1. Trading Telecom & Hardware IT Equipment business and 2. Application Service Provider business in order to increase recurring income for the company (Recurring Income) to build strength in the future.

2023-05-10 03:14:07
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