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Insabi will attend patients as of January 1, without the need to join

As of January 1, Mexicans who do not have social Security may receive medical care and free medicines without restrictions, since they will not have to join or pay fees to the Institute of Health for Welfare (Insabi).

Through a statement, the Ministry of Health informed that those who require health care from the Insabi, they must only present their INE credential, the Unique Population Registration Code (CURP) or their birth certificate to receive public health services.

“They will no longer need to go to a module, join and receive a policy; neither will they have to pay annual fees to be taken care of in the medical units as was the case before, ”explained the document.

He added that citizens who have a policy of the extinct Popular insurance, they will no longer need to present it because that document is without effect as of January 1, since the care will be offered without restrictions.

Read also: The Insabi deputies endorse; Popular Insurance disappears

Article 77 bis 7 of the General Health Law, whose recent modification was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on November 29, states that in order to receive the free provision of health services, medications and other supplies, only three requirements

The first is to be in national territory. Second, not be a right holder in IMSS or ISSSTE; and the third, present the curp, which is in the credential of the INE or, where appropriate, carry birth certificate or certificate.

“The Insabi starts functions on January 1 of 2020 as a decentralized body of the Health Secretary and the services it will offer will be under criteria of universality, equality and inclusion, ”said the agency that directs Jorge Alcocer Varela.


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