Sexual health is an undisputed datum of the well-being and overall health of individuals. Nor is it any longer in dispute that the struggle for sexual health goes hand in hand with the promotion and defense of human rights.

However, many customs still remain which violate human rights, many laws do not respect fundamental rights, many individuals do not respect the equality rights of other individuals, gender or identity prejudices persist, access to health care essential to ensure maternal and child health are not assured, education in general, and sex education in particular are insufficient or sometimes inaccessible.

One of the essential missions of the UNESCO Chair in Sexual Health & Human Rights is to contribute to the sustainable development of human beings, in the field of sexuality and human rights, by promoting and supporting research and development of innovative actions. in the field of sexual health.

It is for this reason that in 2015 it created the International Prize for Innovation in Education intended to support and promote the achievements and concrete actions which have as ambition and objectives the development of individuals and / or populations, the improvement of information, education and prevention in the field of Health Sexual and Human Rights.

Winners of the previous edition

This prize has received the support of ViiV HEALTHCARE which participates, through its commitment with the Paris Diderot Partnership Foundation, to the development of sexual health.
The jury announced the 3 first prizes, among the 5 nominated projects, during the UNESCO Chair conference on May 24 at the University of Paris-Sorbonne:

The first price
Project led by Aurélie Boccaccini on “diagrams of the sexual and reproductive systems of girls and boys adapted according to the age of children and adolescents”

The second prize
Project “J’aime ma vulva”, carried by the Com’Action group, family planning 67, part of which can be viewed on Instagram (#jaimemavulve)

The third prize
Florence Méjécase Neugebauer’s project “Talk on the strength of fragilities”, to find here:

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